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About Us

The Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research advances equity and excellence in education by providing access to high-quality design, evaluation, and research services through collaborations with university, school, and community partners.


Who we are

CEDER, a center within the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education, provides expertise on topics relating to teaching, learning, leadership, and policy at multiple levels of education. Specifically, CEDER supports the evaluation, design, and development of education curricula, programs, technology tools, and software for other units on campus and for K-12 and informal learning settings in surrounding communities.

CEDER provides design and evaluation services to both internal university partners and external clients across the state of Michigan. Previous and current partners include U-M faculty, the state of Michigan, community-based non-profits, and federal programs. The CEDER design and evaluation teams are comprised of individuals with both research and evaluation experience, in addition to faculty principal investigators and consultants.

INSTRUCTIONAL AND PROGRAM DESIGN: To advance the design work, CEDER researchers engage in “design thinking” activities and workshops to consult with and inform different parties that may be developing educational resources, such as schools developing new learning spaces in their buildings or museums are exploring the potential of using different kinds of technologies to support learning activities within exhibits.

EDUCATION EVALUATION RESEARCH: The evaluation mission of CEDER provides support to U-M central administration, campus units, individual researchers, and community-based educators for evaluation or technical assistance related to education programs and research. Related to the evaluation strand is a research strand focused on conducting expert research on education practice at multiple levels and in multiple sites. Marsal School faculty members already engage in multiple forms of practice-based education research.

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: In addition to providing contract services for education design, evaluation, and research, CEDER disseminates existing research-based education tools and resources produced from existing Marsal School research grants and centers.

Finally, CEDER fosters partnerships among the Marsal School, other campus units, and K-12 education institutions (both formal and informal) across the state of Michigan.

Our approach

At CEDER, we approach every project collaboratively. Before starting any project, we meet with potential clients to uncover their needs. The team then works with clients to develop an initial scope of work. The scope of work then serves as a working document guiding the partnership throughout the process. In addition to developing design and evaluation plans within CEDER, we also connect clients to outside resources and make referrals as needed.

Please complete this form this form for inquiries regarding design and evaluation services. If you need immediate assistance, please email [email protected].

Our Motivation

Advancing campus and community interests in educating children, youth, and adults

Those of us in the traditional academy could have a hand in shaping that future, but doing so will require us to relax our obsessive focus on elite students, institutions, and faculty. It will require us to stop regarding ourselves as irreplaceable occupiers of sacred roles, and start regarding ourselves as people who do several jobs society needs done, only one of which is creating new knowledge.” (Clay Shirky, “The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age,” accessed February 13, 2014)

Motivated by this provocative view on higher education’s future and by our own experience of the need on campus and beyond to improve our efforts to educate children, youth, and adults, we are developing the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education Center for Education Design, Research, and Evaluation (CEDER).

Our Team

Associate Dean
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs; Marvin W. Peterson Collegiate Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 615-4415
Evaluation Coordinator
(248) 894-7034
Engagement and Development Specialist
EdHub Senior Learning Experience and Media Designer
Marvin W. Peterson Collegiate Professor Emeritus, Marsal Family School of Education; Evaluation Faculty Lead
Evaluation Specialist; Adjunct Lecturer in Higher Education
Sustainability Teacher Fellowship Program Coordinator
Office and Business Manager
(734) 615-5028
Assistant Director of Research Development
(734) 763-2887
Sustainability Education Programs Assistant
EdHub Education Content Specialist & Instructional Lead
Managing Director, Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
(508) 320-4854
Evaluation Specialist
(734) 615-5028
Instructional and Program Design Coordinator, CEDER; Adjunct Lecturer in Educational Studies

Organizational chart

CEDER Organizational Chart

Connect with us

Campus and Mailing Address

University of Michigan – Marsal Family School of Education
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
610 East University Ave, Suite 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Contact Information