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Who Are We?

Marsal Family School of Education Vision, Values, and Mission


At Marsal Education, we...

  • are working together to build the society in which we all want to live, a society where everyone can thrive.

At Marsal Education, we...

  • recognize that a society where everyone can thrive depends on access to high-quality learning opportunities for all people.
  • adhere to the idea that learning is about expanding understandings of the world around us and of each other.
  • seek to learn with, in, and from multiple communities.
  • know that well-prepared teachers, school and university leaders, policymakers, and researchers make an essential difference in the learning lives of children, youth, and adults.
  • know that physical and emotional health are vital to learning.
  • take seriously our charge as Michigan educators to be leaders and to do our best in the service of others.

At Marsal Education, we...

  • generate and study evidence-based teaching, learning, and research practices, policies, methods, and tools so that we contribute to a society where all can flourish.
  • prepare the very best classroom teachers, school leaders, education researchers, and education policy makers.
  • work to build and model learning, research, and work environments where everyone feels welcome, heard, and seen and where people can talk and listen to each other with respect even as we ask each other challenging questions.
  • teach future educators, university leaders, education researchers, policymakers, parents, and community leaders to do the same.
Headshot of Elizabeth Moje


Welcome to the Marsal Family School of Education. Together, we are working to build the kind of society in which we want to live—a society where all children, youth, and adults have access to a robust education that empowers them in their lives, their careers, and their communities. 

I am honored to be among a group of distinguished faculty, recognized as scholars and thought leaders across the globe in wide-ranging areas of educational expertise. In addition to our impactful program of research, we also engage in public scholarship directly with learners, educators, and leaders in varied and diverse contexts.

Our students share in these endeavors, and through a variety of academic pathways they learn critical skills and gain experiences that prepare them to shape minds, inspire students, create learning opportunities, conduct research, drive education reform, and lead educational change. They will go on to join almost 50,000 Marsal Family School of Education alumni who are improving education as teachers, scholars, policymakers, executives, and thought leaders in a wide range of both corporate and non-profit organizations.

Leading our top-ranked programs is our world-renowned faculty and our dedicated, expert staff. Our scholarship addresses some of the most challenging issues facing education today, from studying meaningful learning opportunities for more just and equitable education in key areas such as literacy, STEM, and social science education to documenting the effects of policies and practices necessary to systemic reform. We engage in powerful long-term research-practice partnerships that improve learning outcomes for students locally, nationally, and globally. We also learn from and with others as these endeavors sow the seeds of future research and new learning opportunities.

The Marsal Family School of Education community is always expanding to include others who are interested in advancing our mission to develop just and equitable education opportunities. Please join us in our ambitious pursuit of robust and meaningful educational opportunity for all. Explore the many opportunities we offer as you learn more about our educator preparation, master’s, and doctoral academic programs, professional development offerings, and opportunities to partner as scholars and as practitioners. We welcome you to reach out and Go Blue. 
Elizabeth Birr Moje
Dean, Marsal Family School of Education


U.S. News & World Report Best Education School


faculty to student ratio

The Marsal School is home to undergraduate and graduate students taught by nearly 60 tenure-track, over 20 research-track, and 10 clinical-track faculty members; and 40+ lecturers

See all Marsal School faculty and staff


in annual research expenditures

In fiscal year 2022, the Marsal School had $11,462,380 in research expenditures


active alumni in over 80 countries

The Marsal School alumni community comprises nearly 40,200 members living in 81 countries across the world


U.S. News & World Report top 10-ranked specialty programs

#2 in Educational Psychology
#2 in Higher Education Administration
#2 in Secondary Teacher Education
#3 in Elementary Teacher Education
#3 in Curriculum and Instruction
#5 in Education Policy
#9 in Educational Administration

U.S. News & World Report Rankings


members of the National Academy of Education

Marsal School faculty include several renowned scholars and researchers awarded by prestigious institutions:

11 National Academy of Education members
National Academy of Sciences member
American Academy of Arts and Sciences members
1 National Medalist of Science


Dean, George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education and Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research; Faculty Affiliate in Latino/a Studies, College of LSA
(734) 647-0621


Associate Dean
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs; Marvin W. Peterson Collegiate Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 615-4415
Associate Dean
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education & Educator Preparation Programs; Chair, Secondary Teacher Education; Clinical Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 647-1310
Assistant Dean
Assistant Dean for K–12 Recruitment and Special Projects; Instructor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 764-9567


Director, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor, College of Engineering
(734) 647-1979
Chair, Elementary Teacher Education; Clinical Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 647-0604
Chair, Educational Studies; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 763-9497
Chair of the Joint Program in English and Education; Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
Chair of the Combined Program in Education and Psychology; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; By Courtesy Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; Faculty Associate, Institute for Social Research
(734) 647-7369
Chair, Learning, Equity, and Problem Solving for the Public Good; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor, School of Information
(734) 647-8027
Old Block M


In 1879, William Harold Payne was selected to lead U-M's new Science and the Art of Teaching program. Payne became the first American collegiate chairperson of a program focused solely on teacher preparation.

Old Photo of SOE Building


The School of Education was established in 1921 as an outgrowth of that first program. The SOE offered 44 courses on educational psychology, testing, school administration, instructional methods, vocational guidance, and physical training.

Library in Univerity High School


By 1940, the school offered 223 courses and employed 71 faculty and staff, including those from University High School and Elementary School, which were housed in our building from 1924 to 1968. “U High” department heads were SOE faculty who educated future teachers on theory and practice.

A teacher in the early 2000s


In 1971, a record-setting 1,471 candidates were recommended for teaching certification. The next several decades established the SOE'S emphasis on urban education and equity, starting with the expansion of teacher training programs to inner-city schools. By spring of 2005, SOE social justice initiatives focused on diversity and inclusion in research, service, teaching, and recruitment practices. 

SOE building in the fall


In 2015, the SOE was the first unit to submit a finalized Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement and Strategic Plan to the university. The plan affirmed our commitment to “developing the institutional mechanisms and social norms necessary to ensure that differences are respected, welcomed, and used to support individuals’ flourishing.” 

SOE graduates sitting at commencement


Today, Marsal School faculty and students remain at the forefront of educational change through their research contributions, instructional activities, collaborative involvement with the education profession, and service. 

SOE Michigan Education

Michigan Education

The magazine of the Marsal Family School of Education

Connect with us


Dean's Office
[email protected]


610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


7:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.