Research Project Examples
CEDER is collecting and processing data from focus groups, surveys, reports and reviews, summaries, curricular materials, and both quantitative and qualitative evaluations in order to evaluate the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program.
CEDER partners with MICHR to evaluate its impact on the clinical and research workforce across the globe.
CEDER supports the College of Engineering Biothreat team's goal of using neural networks and machine learning to discover more effective antimicrobials by developing materials for and piloting a curriculum that introduces high school students to relevant science and technologies.
CEDER evaluates a program that aims to increase the number of low-income and underrepresented students who are prepared to enter postsecondary education.
Our research services
CEDER provides research support services to the SOE and U-M communities, including Research Development, Research Administration, and Compliance.
- Grant proposal development
- Funding opportunity identification
- Grant proposal review/proofreading/editing
- Budget development
- Budget management and accounting
- IRB application assistance
- Team Science
- Communication of research findings
- Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) training
- Broader Impacts development
- Strategic research advancement
- Faculty onboarding
- Human Subjects Incentive Payment processing
Connect with us
Our Services
Campus and Mailing Address
University of Michigan – Marsal Family School of Education
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
610 East University Ave, Suite 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Contact Information
(734) 615-5028
[email protected]