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Photo of the Rackham Graduate School

Master's Degrees

Master of Arts in Educational Studies

The Designing for Innovation concentration in the Master of Arts in Educational Studies program focuses on preparing professionals for designing a wide range of learning environments in formal and informal settings. Design takes many forms and can span the design of technology, curriculum, new pedagogical approaches, and even innovative spaces for learning.


of known graduates found employment within 6 months


average first year salary


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position
Professional trajectories of graduates include:
  • Teachers
  • Media specialists
  • Curriculum designers
  • Software design
  • Non-profits
  • Technology startups
  • Online learning/Learning experience design
  • Museums/Science and Technology Centers
  • Further graduate study

The Educational Equity, Justice, and Social Transformation (EEJST) concentration in the Master of Arts in Educational Studies program is designed to provide students with a foundation in the social, cultural, economic, historical, and political foundations of schooling. Students critically examine educational contexts, practices, and policies rooted in  injustice, whiteness, and oppression in educational systems to unpack how these systems have fostered social inequity and work toward justice-driven change.


of known graduates found employment within 6 months


average starting salary


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position
Professional trajectories of graduates include:
  • Non-profit organizational leadership in education and social service professions
  • Pre-K-12 school and district leadership
  • Research & development
  • College access program coordination
  • Preparation to become university faculty members/researchers
  • Policy analysis
  • Curriculum development

If your career objective is integrating business acumen with educational expertise to effect meaningful improvements in our education system, the Marsal Family School of Education and the Stephen M. Ross School of Business offer a unique dual-degree program leading to the Master of Arts in Educational Studies and the Master of Business Administration degrees.


of known graduates found employment within 6 months


average first year salary


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position
Professional trajectories of graduates include:
  • Leadership in K-12 educational organizations, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and other agencies focused on issues of educational improvement and reform
  • Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Roles focused on improving education
  • Educational entrepreneurship
  • Further graduate study

The Research for Educational Improvement (REI) concentration in the Master of Arts in Educational Studies program is designed to prepare students for positions in research organizations, centers, or projects engaged in evaluation research, or as research support staff in formal and informal educational settings where education professionals are engaged in improving practice and policy. 


of known graduates found employment within 6 months


average first year salary


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position
Professional trajectories of graduates include:
  • Entry-level positions in research organizations, centers, or projects engaged in evaluation research
  • Research support staff in formal and informal educational settings where education professionals are engaged in improving practice and policy
  • Future doctoral study 
Online Master of Arts in Leading Educational Innovation and Transformation

The Leading Educational Innovation and Transformation Online MA at the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education is a rigorous and comprehensive program that prepares graduates with the entry-level skills to lead and shape educational institutions at local, national, and global levels.

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Policy

The Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP) is a rigorous and comprehensive program that prepares graduates with the entry-level skills required to lead and shape educational institutions and policies at local, national, and global levels. The program also allows teachers and current or aspiring building leaders to continue their work at the building or district level, returning to those settings with skills that focus on reform and justice.


of known graduates found full time employment in education


of known graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


of known graduates found a job within 6 months
Professional trajectories of graduates include:
  • Classroom teaching
  • Department chair
  • Assistant principal
  • Various central office roles 
  • Curriculum design and development
  • Policy analysts and other policy-centered roles
  • Program administrators, directors, coordinators, and specialists
  • Non-profit leadership roles
Master of Arts in Higher Education

The Master of Arts in Higher Education with a focus on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education gives students the tools for increasing their knowledge and skills regarding diversity and social justice in higher education. It equips students to address these issues within their careers and other spheres of influence. This concentration cultivates a supportive network of graduate students and faculty who are interested in research and pedagogy around issues of diversity and social justice.


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Northeastern Illinois University Academic Skills Specialist Chicago, IL
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Student Support Counselor Chicago, IL
University of Washington Program Academic Advisor Seattle, WA
University of Michigan, College of LS&A Academic Advisor Ann Arbor, MI
Kenyon College Associate Director of Admissions Chicago, IL
University of Michigan Student Affairs Program Manager Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan, Ginsberg Center Student Engagement Coordinator Ann Arbor, MI
Michigan State University Multicultural Development Manager Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Director of Inclusion, Equity & Outreach Ann Arbor, MI
Indiana University Bloomington Residence Life Coordinator for Student Development Bloomington, IN
University of Wisconsin-Madison Residence Life Coordinator Madison, WI

The Master of Arts in Higher Education program with an individually designed focus provides individuals with a general understanding of higher education as a field of practice and inquiry. The challenges that face higher education require that educators not only adapt to change but also engage in developing a vision of higher education for society. The program aims to prepare you for leadership in shaping the future of higher education. Students generate and apply knowledge on how to advance the role of higher education in supporting the public good and improving institutional practice.


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Colorado State University Coordinator for Intergroup Relations Fort Collins, CO
DePaul University Coordinator, Office of Multicultural Student Success Chicago, IL
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Assistant to the Provost, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs East Stroudsburg, PA
Elon University Case Manager / Care Coordinator Elon, NC
Michigan State University Graduate School: PhD Program in Higher Education East Lansing, MI
San Jose State University Program Specialist (Off-Campus Cohorts), College of Engineering San Jose, CA
University of California, Berkeley Career Counselor, Haas School of Business Berkeley, CA
University of Colorado, Boulder Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering Department Boulder, CO
University of Connecticut Academic Advisor, School of Engineering Mansfield, CT
University of Michigan Data Analyst, Zell Lurie Intistute for Entrepreneurial Studies Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Program Manager, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs Ann Arbor, MI

The Master of Arts in Higher Education with a focus on Institutional Research equips students with factual knowledge about postsecondary institutions and systems, research methods used by institutional research professionals, knowledge of the processes and issues affecting institutions, and an understanding of the context and culture of the institutions in which students will work and study.


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Marine Corps University Education Officer, Academic Support Division Quantico, VA
National Humanities Alliance Research Associate Washington, DC
Shinken-AD Co., Ltd. Institutional Researcher/ Higher Education Consultant Osaka, Japan
University of Denver Graduate School, PhD Program in Educational Statistics and Research Methodology Denver, CO
University of Michigan Graduate School, PhD Program in Higher Education Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Research Associate, Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives  Ann Arbor, MI

The Master of Arts in Higher Education with a focus on Management and Organizations considers the organizational dynamics of colleges and universities. This requires a fundamental understanding of the internal workings of higher education and its environment, as well as a thorough grasp of effective management and leadership of higher education organizations. 


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Columbia University Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Office of the President New York, NY
Duke University Graduate School, Law School Durham, NC
Kent State University Project Manager, Division of Finance and Administration Kent, OH
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Assistant Director for Yield and Events Cambridge, MA
University of Illinois Coordinator for the Engineering Career Services  Chicago, IL
University of Michigan Academic Program Manager, Barger Leadership Institution Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Graduate School: PhD Program in Higher Education  Ann Arbor, MI
Wayne State University Program Management Specialist, Office of Enrollment Management  Detroit, MI

The Master of Arts in Higher Education and Master of Business Administration dual degree program provides an in-depth examination of both business administration and higher education arenas. The Master of Arts in Higher Education degree provides a deep exposure to educational theory and programmatic flexibility that complements the Master of Business Administration experience. 


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
The Boston Consulting Group Consultant Boston, MA
Huron Consulting Group Higher Education Associate Chicago, IL

The Master of Arts in Higher Education and Master of Public Policy program is designed for students interested in broad policy issues that affect higher and postsecondary education, such as state governance and coordination, financial aid funding, and affirmative action in admissions and hiring. 


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Fitchburg State University International Education Coordinator Fitchburg, MA
New York University Graduate School, PhD Program in Higher Education New York, NY
University of California, San Diego Project Analyst, Student Affairs San Diego, CA
University of Michigan Coordinator of Community College Partnerships, OptiMize Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Graduate School: PhD Program in Higher Education Ann Arbor, MI

The Master of Arts in Higher Education with a focus on Public Policy helps students grapple with the challenges that face higher education and gain insights on how to develop a vision of higher education for society. Students analyze broad policy issues that affect higher and postsecondary education, such as state governance and coordination, financial aid funding, and affirmative action in admissions and hiring. You will generate and apply knowledge on how to advance the role of higher education in supporting the public good and improving institutional practice. 


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Fitchburg State University International Education Coordinator Fitchburg, MA
New York University Graduate School, PhD Program in Higher Education New York, NY
University of California, San Diego Project Analyst, Student Affairs San Diego, CA
University of Michigan Coordinator of Community College Partnerships, OptiMize Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Graduate School: PhD Program in Higher Education Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Community Partnerships Manager for optiMize Ann Arbor, MI

The Master’s in Higher Education Student Access and Success program focuses on teaching and learning in colleges and universities as they are implemented in many institutional contexts, both inside and outside of traditional classroom settings. 


of graduates found full time employment or pursued an advanced degree


of graduates are highly satisfied or satisfied with their current position


average starting salary for graduates
Graduates typically go into these industries
College and university administration and faculty
State and national public policy agencies
Government offices
Professional associations


Hiring organizations and job titles
Organization Job title Location
Auburn University Coordinator position in Health Promotion and Wellness Services Auburn, AL
IES Abroad Program Advisor Chicago, IL
Michigan State University Graduate School: PhD Program in Higher Education  East Lansing, MI
University of California, San Diego Undergraduate Student Services Advisor San Diego, CA
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Assistant Director, Asian American Cultural Center Urbana-Champaign, IL
University of Michigan Academic Advisor, Kinesiology Office of Undergraduate Student Affairs Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Assistant Director of Identity and Diversity in Organizations Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Educational Programs Coordinator, Center for Entrepreneurship, College of Engineering Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Hub Coach, LSA Opportunity Hub Ann Arbor, MI
University of North Carolina, Greensboro Coordinator for First Year Experience Greensboro, NC
Wayne State University MI GEAR UP Program Counselor Detroit, MI
Master of Arts with Teacher Certification

In the Master of Arts in Educational Studies with Elementary Teacher Certification program, students develop the professional and personal knowledge, dispositions, and skills required to engage diverse groups of children in thoughtful learning. The immersive full-time program begins in mid-June and finishes in mid-June the following year.


of known graduates found full-time employment in the field of education


of known graduates were highly satisfied or satisfied with the current position


average first year salary


of known graduates found jobs within 7 months
Hiring organizations and job titles


Organization Job Title Location
Garfield Elementary 4th Grade Teacher Port Huron, MI
Harvest Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher Saline, MI
Oaktree Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher Goodrich, MI
The School at Marygrove Elementary Teacher Detroit, MI
Willow Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher Lansing, MI


Organization Job title Location
Lodge Community General Education Teacher Evansville, IN
North Mor Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher Northglenn, CO

In the Master of Arts in Educational Studies with Secondary Teacher Certification program, students participate in university and school-based experiences that enable them to meet the challenges facing today's educators teaching at the junior high and high school levels. The immersive full-time program begins in mid-June and finishes in mid-June the following year. Coursework is completed concurrently with a teaching internship to allow students to explore pedagogies through authentic classroom interactions while being fully supported by field instructors.


of known graduates found full time employment in education


of known graduates were highly satisfied or satisfied with current position


of known graduates found a job within 6 months
Hiring organizations and job titles


Organization Job Title Location
Bark River-Harris High School Social Studies/Psychology Teacher Bark River, MI
Forest Hills Central High School 9th, 10th & AP English Teacher Grand Rapids, MI
Freeland High School High School History Teacher Freeland, MI
Greenhills School 10th Grade Science Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Lumen Christi Catholic School 9th-12th Grade Teacher Jackson, MI
Owosso High School Science Teacher Owosso, MI
Pathways to Success High School Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
South Lyon High School English Teacher South Lyon, MI
West Middle School 6th and 7th Grade Teacher Rochester, MI


Organization Job title Location
Annandale High School Mathematics Teacher Annandale, VA
Franklin High School Social Studies Teacher Franklin, NJ
Glenn Westlake Middle School ELL/ Bilingual 8th Grade Teacher Lombard, IL
New Providence High School Mathematics Teacher New Providence, NJ
Master of Science in Postsecondary Science Education

The Master of Science in Postsecondary Science Education provides a strong foundation in learning theory and application to support college-level teaching in the sciences. The degree is open only to current doctoral students in the School of Environment and Sustainability and in specific departments in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (Astronomy, Biophysics, Chemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Geological Sciences, Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, and Physics).



Admissions & Recruitment
[email protected]


610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.