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CAEP Accreditation

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor's Teacher Education Program is accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) through June 2030. This accreditation certifies that the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor has provided evidence that it adheres to TEAC's quality principles. More information can be found on the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation website.

The chart below lists the name of each endorsement program, including its appropriate grade bands and accreditation/approval status, that is attached to initial teaching certification.

Endorsement Program Accreditation Status
Endorsement ProgramGrade BandsAccreditation/Approval Status
Arabic6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Biology6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Chemistry6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Earth/Space Science6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Economics6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Elementary EducationK-5 All SubjectsTEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
K-8 All Subjects Self-Contained ClassroomTEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
English6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
English as a Second LanguageK-8TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
French6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
German6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
History6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Integrated ScienceK-8TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Italian6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Language ArtsK-8TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Latin6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Mandarin6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
MathematicsK-8TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Physics6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Political Science6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Psychology6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
Social StudiesK-8TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)
SpanishK-12State of Michigan continuing approval (2018)
6-12TEAC/CAEP Accreditation (2015)

CAEP Annual Reporting

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness
(Component R4.1)

State of Michigan Educator Effectiveness Ratings (2014-2015 through 2021-2022). These are the most recent data available from the Michigan Department of Education.

State of Michigan Educator Effectiveness Ratings, 2014–15 through 2021–22
YearTotalEffective +
Highly Effective
2014–15127111 (87%)32 (25%)79 (62%)14 (11%)2 (1%)
2015–16232212 (91%)45 (19%)167 (72%)15 (6%)5 (2%)
2016–17276260 (94%)55 (20%)205 (74%)15 (5%)1 (<1%)
2017–18345339 (98%)75 (22%)264 (76%)4 (1%)2 (<1%)
2018–19396386 (97%)124 (31%)262 (66%)9 (2%)1 (<1%)
2019-20No data due to COVID-19 pandemic
2020-21322322 (100%)112 (35%)210 (65%)0 (0%)9 (0%)
2021-22382374 (98%)120 (31%)254 (66%)6 (2%)2 (<1%)
2022-2023375361 (96%)115 (31%)246 (66%)12 (3%)2 (<1%)
Aggregate21332053 (96%)566 (27%)1477 (69%)75 (4%)15 (<1%)
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
(Component R4.2|R5.3)
2020- 2021 Michigan Department of Education Administrator Survey
QuestionNPercent Effective
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to…  
support all students in making connections to prior knowledge and experiences?1694%
implement multiple strategies to present key content area(s) concepts?1694%
implement strategies which maximize student engagement to support positive student behavior?1688%
implement literacy and reading strategies appropriate to their content area(s) and grade level(s)?1688%
support each student's socioemotional (e.g. social, emotional, psychological) development with instructional strategies and resources?1694%
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent can (teacher name) apply instructional strategies and resources to support…
gifted and talented students?1191%
students from culturally diverse backgrounds?1694%
English learners?888%
students with special needs or disabilities?1694%
students experiencing trauma?1694%
each individual student's learning abilities and needs?1694%
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to build positive relationships with…
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to…
demonstrate responsiveness and flexibility to unexpected situations which arise?16100%
act in a manner consistent with ethical and professional educator expectations?16100%
utilize constructive criticism to reflect upon and improve practice?16100%
2020-2021 EPP Principal Survey 
QuestionStrongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeStrongly or Somewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeStrongly DisagreeStrongly or Somewhat DisagreeTotal
Regarding learners and learning, new University of Michigan teachers that I've hired...
Understand student learning and development 19 (49%)18 (46%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Respect the diversity of the students they teach28 (72%)10 (26%)38 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (3%)39
Differentiate the instruction to support the learning needs of all students 15 (38%)19 (49%)34 (87%)4 (10%)1 (3%)5 (13%)39
Treat students fairly and establish an environment that is respectful, supportive and caring 28 (72%)9 (23%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Maintain an environment that is conducive to learning for all students 25 (64%)12 (31%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Communicate clearly and effectively 27 (69%)11 (28%)38 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (3%)39
Apply modifications and accommodations based on legal requirements for supporting English language learners 10 (26%)21 (55%)31 (82%)6 (16%)1 (3%)7 (18%)38
Apply modifications and accommodations based on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) 12 (31%)22 (56%)34 (87%)4 (10%)1 (3%)5 (13%)39
Regarding content knowledge, new University of Michigan teachers that I've hired... 
Know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility 26 (67%)11 (28%)37 (95%) 1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Use instructional strategies to help students to connect their prior knowledge and experiences to new concepts 23 (59%)14 (36%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Demonstrate a commitment to work with every student to ensure master of the content and skills taught 21(54%)16 (41%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Apply content and pedagogical knowledge 25 (64%)11 (28%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Regarding instructional practice, new University of Michigan teachers that I've hired... 
Understand and use a variety of content-specific instructional strategies to effectively teach the central concepts and skills of the discipline 18 (46%)16 (41%)34 (87%)4 (10%)1 (3%)5 (13%) 39
Design or select assessments to help students make progress toward learning goals 18 (46%)18 (46%)36 (92%)2 (5%)1 (3%)3 (8%)39
Analyze assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning for each student and for groups of students 13 (33%)22 (56%)35 (90%)3 (8%)1 (3%)4 (10%)39
Analyze the use data to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction 18 (46%)16 (41%)34 (87%)4 (10%)1 (3%)5 (13%)39
Align lessons with Michigan Academic Standards 21(54%)14 (36%)35 (90%)3 (8%)1 (3%)4 (10%)39
Use a variety of instructional strategies21(54%) 15 (38%)36 (92%)2 (5%)1 (3%)3 (8%)39
Align assessments with learning objectives 22 (56%)15 (38%)37 (95%)1 (3%)1 (3%)2 (5%)39
Use technology tools to organize the classroom, to assess student learning and their teaching, and to communicate 27 (69%) 11 (28%)38 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (3%) 39
Regarding professional responsibilities, new University of Michigan teachers that I've hired... 
Understand, uphold and follow professional ethics, policies and legal codes of professional conduct 29 (74%)8 (21%)37 (95%)0 (0%)2 (5%)2 (5%)36
Communicate effectively with all stakeholders 23 (59%)11 (28%)36 (92%)1 (3%)2 (5%)3 (8%)39
Establish and communicate explicit expectations with colleagues and families to promote individual student growth23 (59%)15 (38%)38 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (3%)39
Reflect on their professional practice25 (64%)13 (33%)38 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (3%)39
2021-22 Michigan Department of Education Administrator Survey
QuestionNPercent Effective
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to…
support all students in making connections to prior knowledge and experiences?3090%
implement multiple strategies to present key content area(s) concepts?3190%
utilize available technology to enhance the learning experience of students?3194%
implement strategies which maximize student engagement to support positive student behavior?3177%
organize the learning environment to guide student engagement during instructional time?3181%
implement literacy and reading strategies appropriate to their content area(s) and grade level(s)?3190%
differentiate instruction based on student assessment data to support each student's academic achievement?3181%
support each student's socioemotional (e.g. social, emotional, psychological) development with instructional strategies and resources?3181%
understand and make accommodations based on student's IEP or Section 504 plan?3087%
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent can (teacher name) apply instructional strategies and resources to support…
English learners?1984%
high performing students?3184%
low performing students?3181%
students experience trauma?2979%
students from culturally diverse backgrounds?2789%
students with special needs or disabilities?2979%
each individual student's learning abilities and needs?3177%
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to build positive relationships with…
As first-year teacher, compared to other first-year teachers, to what extent is (teacher name) able to…
demonstrate responsiveness and flexibility to unexpected situations which arise?3177%
act in a manner consistent with ethical and professional educator expectations?3194%
utilize constructive criticism to reflect upon and improve practice?3197%
Stakeholder Involvement

These resources will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion
Title II Reports (Component R3.3)
Completer Certification Rates (Component R3.3)
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2016–17
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students3523412538
Total ON time (cert)3217392337
Cert Rate91.4%73.9%95.1%92%97.3%
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2017–18
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students3016222237
Total ON time (cert)2714201934
Cert Rate90%87.5%90.9%86.3%91.8%
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2018–19
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students2124163033
Total ON time (cert)2022162731
Cert Rate95.2%91.6%100%90%94%
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2019–20
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students2936202841
Total ON time (cert)2828202640
Cert Rate97%78%100%93%98%
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2020–21
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students2837442439
Total ON time (cert)2636332439
Cert Rate93%97%75%100%100%
Certification Rates—Traditional Pathways, AY 2021–22
 Elementary UGSecondary UGSec Cert OnlyELMACSecMAC
Total # of students3729112842
Total ON time (cert)2326112636
Cert Rate62%90%100%93%86%
Certification Rates—Alternative Pathway (M-ARC)
YearTotal # of Completers# of Completers Meeting Standard Cert RequirementsRate of Completers Meeting Standard Cert Requirements
Graduation Rates
Traditional Pathways, AY 2016–17
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students35232538
Total ON time (degree)33222537
Grad Rate94.2%95.6%100%97.4%
Traditional Pathways, AY 2017–18
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students30162237
Total ON time (degree)29152237
Grad Rate96.6%93.75%100%100%
Traditional Pathways, AY 2018–19
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students21243033
Total ON time (degree)21243032
Grad Rate100%100%100%97%
Traditional Pathways, AY 2019–20
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students29362841
Total ON time (degree)28362840
Grad Rate97%100%100%98%
Traditional Pathways, AY 2020–21
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students16372439
Total ON time (degree)26372439
Grad Rate100%100%100%100%
Traditional Pathways, AY 2021–22
 Elementary UGSecondary UGELMACSecMAC
Total # of students37292842
Total ON time (degree)36282842
Grad Rate97%97%100%100%
Alternative Pathway (M-ARC) - TFA-Detroit Initial Certification Participants 5-Year Completion Rates among All Participants
 2012 Cohort2013 Cohort2014 Cohort2015 Cohort2016 Cohort2017 Cohort2018 Cohort*2019 Cohort**
# enrolled in Year 1791358045221628*29**
# completing Standard Cert requirements w/in 5 years29324119121016*16**
5-Year Completion Rate per cohort37%24%51%42%55%63%57%*55%**
*Data in progress - 2018 cohort may complete requirements in 2022-2023
**Data in progress - 2019 cohort may complete requirements in 2022-2023 or 2023-2024
Alternative Pathway (M-ARC) - TFA-Detroit Initial Certification Participants Completion Rates for Participants Enrolled in Opt-in Standard Certification Year
 2012 Cohort2013 Cohort2014 Cohort2015 Cohort2016 Cohort2017 Cohort2018 Cohort2019 Cohort**
# enrolled in standard cert year w/in 5 years of initial enrollment3446451913111618**
# of standard cert candidates completing requirements2532411912101616**
Standard Cert Year Completion Rate74%70%91%100%92%91%100%89%**
**Data in progress - 2019 cohort may complete requirements in 2022-2023 or 2023-2024
Measure 4: Ability of Completers to Be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Prepared
Ability of Completers to Be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Prepared

The following data represents program completers from the Undergraduate Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) program and Undergraduate Secondary Teacher Education (STE) programs within the EPP. The data was received via a Michigan Department of Education survey provided to all first-year teachers. The 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 school years are represented.

Did you obtain employment in a school setting?
29 / 34 Yes (85%)25 / 29 Yes (86%)22 / 23 Yes (96%)36 / 37 Yes (97%)44 / 44 Yes (100%)76 / 86 Yes (88%)
Did you obtain or continue employment in the school district where you completed your internship?
4 / 34 Yes (12%)3 / 29 Yes (10%)7 / 23 Yes (30%)9 / 37 Yes (24%)12 / 44 Yes (27%)14 / 86 Yes (16%)
To what extent did your preparation program prepare you well for the teaching job market?
29 / 34 say "Prepared Me Well" (85%)23 / 29 say "Prepared Me Well" (79%)18 / 23 say "Prepared Me Well" (78%)32 / 36 "To a Great or Moderate Extent" (88.9%)35 / 44 say “To a Great or Moderate Extent” (79.5%)70 / 86 say "Prepared Me Well" (81%)
To what extent did your preparation program support you in your job search?
23 / 34 say "Supported Me Well" (67%)23 / 29 say "Supported Me Well" (79%))15 / 23 say "Supported Me Well" (65%)23 / 35 “To a Great or Moderate Extent” (65.7%)30/44 say “To a Great or Moderate Extent” (68.2%)61 / 86 say "Supported Me Well" (71%)
How many job applications did you complete?
Year01–34–65–910–1213–1516 or moreTotal
2016–171 (3%)7 (24%)7 (24%)4 (14%)3 (10%)2 (7%)5 (17%)29
2017–181 (3%)10 (29%)6 (18%)6 (18%)3 (9%)2 (7%)6 (18%)34
2018–190 (0%)5 (17%)5 (17%)8 (28%)2 (7%)2 (7%)8 (28%)29
Data no longer collected
Aggregate2 (2%)22 (24%)18 (19%)18 (19%)8 (9%)6 (7%)19 (21%)92
How many interviews did you have?
Year01–34–65–910–1213–1516 or moreTotal
2016–171 (3%)17 (59%)5 (17%)2 (7%)2 (7%)0 (0%)2 (7%)29
2017–181 (3%)19 (56%)8 (24%)4 (12%)1 (3%)1 (3%)0 (0%)34
2018–190 (0%)15 (52%)10 (34%)2 (7%)2 (7%)0 (0%)0 (0%)29
Data no longer collected
Aggregate2 (2%)51 (55%)23 (25%)8 (9%)5 (5%)1 (1%)2 (2%)92
How many job offers did you receive?
Year012345 or moreTotal
2016–172 (7%)15 (52%)3 (10%)6 (21%)2 (7%)1 (3%)29
2017–183 (9%)13 (38%)10 (29%)4 (12%)3 (9%)1 (3%)34
2018–190 (0%)12 (41%)9 (31%)6 (21%)1 (3%)1 (3%)29
Data no longer collected
Aggregate5 (5%)40 (43%)22 (24%)16 (17%)6 (7%)3 (3%)92
In your opinion, how difficult was it/is it, to find a job in your content area(s)?
YearVery EasySomewhat EasySomewhat DifficultVery DifficultTotal
2016–176 (21%)4 (14%)15 (52%)4 (14%)29
2017–185 (15%)12 (35%)12 (35%)5 (15%)34
2018–193 (10%)13 (45%)10 (34%)3 (10%)29
Data no longer collected
Aggregate14 (15%)29 (32%)37 (40%)12 (13%)92

Educator Preparation Institution Performance Score

EPI Performance Scores

Pursuant to Title II of the Higher Education Act, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), in collaboration with educator preparation programs, has designed, developed and now administers a system for determining Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) Performance Scores. The purpose of the EPI Performance Score system is to identify, assist, and report teacher preparation programs which are not performing at a satisfactory level.

The EPI Performance Score observes and measures EPI performance relative to three goals aligned to the Michigan Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (MI-InTASC). These are: 1) Effective classroom teaching through demonstration of content knowledge and methods/pedagogy; 2) Continuous improvement pursuant to MDE priorities; and support of 3) Educator effectiveness ratings.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.