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Tuition & Funding

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

2024–25 Full Term (Fall & Winter) Tuition & Fees
Undergraduate Full Term Tuition & Fees by Credit Hour, Fall 2024 & Winter 2025
Lower Division Tuition (0-54 credits towards program)
Credit HoursMichigan ResidentMichigan Non-Resident
12–18 (Full-Time)$8,702$30,307
For each additional hour$692$2,492
Mandatory Fees$166.19$166.19
This data is sourced from and maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Please visit Tuition & Fees for more information, including the most up to date figures, historical tuition and fee data, other factors affecting tuition rates, additional fees that may be assessed, and student fees regulations.
Undergraduate Full Term Tuition & Fees by Credit Hour, Fall 2024 & Winter 2025
    Upper Division Tuition (55+ credits towards program)
Credit HoursMichigan ResidentMichigan Non-Resident
12–18 (Full-Time)$9,814$32,442
For each additional hour$784$2,670
Mandatory Fees$166.19$166.19
This data is sourced from and maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Please visit Tuition & Fees for more information, including the most up to date figures, historical tuition and fee data, other factors affecting tuition rates, additional fees that may be assessed, and student fees regulations.
2024–25 Half Term (Spring & Summer) Tuition & Fees
Undergraduate Half Term Tuition & Fees by Credit Hour, Spring 2025 & Summer 2025
Lower Division Tuition (0-54 credits towards program)
Credit HoursMichigan ResidentMichigan Non-Resident
6–9 (Full-Time)$4,358$15,158
For each additional hour$692$2,492
Mandatory Fees$82.10$82.10
This data is sourced from and maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Please visit Tuition & Fees for more information, including the most up to date figures, historical tuition and fee data, other factors affecting tuition rates, additional fees that may be assessed, and student fees regulations.
Undergraduate Half Term Tuition & Fees by Credit Hour, Spring 2025 & Summer 2025
Upper Division Tuition (55+ credits towards program)
Credit HoursMichigan ResidentMichigan Non-Resident
6–9 (Full-Time)$4,910$16,226
For each additional hour$784$2,670
Mandatory Fees$82.10$82.10
This data is sourced from and maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Please visit Tuition & Fees for more information, including the most up to date figures, historical tuition and fee data, other factors affecting tuition rates, additional fees that may be assessed, and student fees regulations.
2024–25 Tuition Dates & Deadlines
Term Tuition Due Dates
TermDue Date
Fall 2024August 31, 2024
Winter 2025January 31, 2025
Spring 2025April 30, 2025
Spring/Summer 2025April 30, 2025
Summer 2025June 30, 2025

Due dates are subject to change - for additional information visit finance.umich.edu/finops/student/billing.

Bills are sent approximately two weeks prior to the due date. You must be enrolled in a term to be billed for tuition and fees.

Other Educational Costs

Visit the Office of Financial Aid for a detailed description of the full cost of attendance.

Undergraduate Funding

Marsal Education scholarships

Every year, the Marsal School offers an increasing number of scholarships for currently enrolled undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students, community college transfer students, four-year college transfer students, and certification only.

We select students for scholarships based on several factors, including the amount of funds available each year and the number of students deemed eligible to receive our support. When making funding decisions, our scholarship review committees consider students’ demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid (OFA), academic merit as determined by the program, and/or a combination of both. Students do not formally apply for the Marsal School’s scholarships. You will automatically be considered.

We believe that we are unique among our peer institutions in that we strategically leverage our need-based scholarship offers to reduce our students’ self-help (unmet need, students’ need-based loans, and Work Study awards). We review students’ eligibility for our scholarships throughout the spring and summer term every academic year.

Go Blue Guarantee

Michigan Residents can qualify for the Go Blue Guarantee for families with incomes $125,000 or under and assets below $125,000.  The University of Michigan is the only public university in Michigan that covers 100% of demonstrated financial need of eligible Michigan residents.

Learn more about the Go Blue Guarantee

ESL Endorsement scholarship

Students who elect to pursue an English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement will receive a $3,000 scholarship to help cover the tuition costs of the endorsement.

Community College Scholarship

Transfer students who earn a majority of their transfer credits from any 2-year institution are automatically awarded $10,000 over the course of their elementary or secondary teacher education programs.

Teach Blue

The Marsal School offers a 4-year commitment to eligible undergraduate students pursuing teacher education to make their Michigan degree affordable through our Teach Blue initiative.

MI Future Educator programs

The State of Michigan’s MI Future Educators Fellowship offers a $10,000 scholarship to up to 2,500 future educators every year for Michigan residents.

The State of Michigan’s Future Educators Stipend is a $9,600 stipend to support Michigan’s hardworking student teachers as they continue their journey to begin in the classroom full-time. Available for Michigan residents, non-residents and international students.

Learn more about the MI Future Educator programs

AmeriCorps and Teach for America Scholars

Eligible AmeriCorps and Teach for America community members—including currently serving corps members, senior corps members, alumni who have completed a term of AmeriCorps service, and staff members who have been employed for at least two years—are eligible to receive a scholarship of up to 25% of tuition.

Learn more about the AmeriCorps and Teach for America scholarship

City Year Scholars

City Year community members—including currently serving corps members, senior corps members, alumni who have completed a term of AmeriCorps service, and staff members who have been employed for at least two years—are eligible to receive a scholarship up to 25% of tuition.

Learn more about the City Year scholarship

Other scholarship opportunities
Office of Financial Aid
December 15Suggested Filing Date
March 31Deadline

We encourage you to seek resources for which you may be eligible through the University of Michigan Office of Financial Aid (OFA). OFA provides information about scholarships, grants, loans, and emergency assistance, as well as work-study and other employment opportunities.

All applicants who need financial aid are encouraged to apply through OFA by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and CSS Profile. Please use U-M’s federal code 002325 to complete the FAFSA and U-M’s CSS code 1839 to complete the CSS Profile.

Helpful links
  • U-M Payment Plans
  • U-M Student Employment
  • U-M Residency
  • Financial Literacy: CrashCourse
    Get tips on handling your money from the U-M Office of Financial Aid and the nonprofit National Endowment for Financial Education at this free personal finance website. A student account and login are required, which will allow students to create a personal portal to save personal finance articles and information.

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[email protected]
(734) 615-1528


610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.