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A CEDER staff member assists a student on a design project


CEDER researchers engage in “design thinking” activities and workshops to help develop educational resources, such as schools developing new learning materials or museums exploring the use of different kinds of technologies to support learning activities within exhibits.

Design Project Examples

Starting in the summer of 2025, twenty K-12th-grade educators from all subject areas will participate in professional development, including online
CEDER partners with Center for Academic Innovation to develop new, free online course in computational thinking.
Under the direction of MAISA, CEDER leads the development of sets of instructional practices for literacy development, starting with a document for grades 6–12.
CEDER supports the College of Engineering Biothreat team's goal of using neural networks and machine learning to discover more effective antimicrobials by developing materials for and piloting a curriculum that introduces high school students to relevant science and technologies.

Our design services

Clients may contract with CEDER as a part of the grant process, after being awarded a grant or through a fee for service arrangement. CEDER offers the following design services to clients:

  • Curriculum development and/or alignment consultation
  • Curriculum and instructional resource development
  • In-service teacher training consultation
  • Professional development programs for teachers
  • Consultation on teaching and learning research design
  • Assistance with proposals

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Campus and Mailing Address

University of Michigan – Marsal Family School of Education
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
610 East University Ave, Suite 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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