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Professional Learning

In addition to providing contract services for education design, evaluation, and research, CEDER disseminates existing research-based education tools and resources produced from existing Marsal School research grants and centers.

Professional Learning Project Examples

Under the direction of MAISA, CEDER leads the development of sets of instructional practices for literacy development, starting with a document for grades 6–12.
The SOE is debuting a course, developed in partnership with Teach Away, a provider of online professional development courses for teachers, to train educators in disciplinary literacy instructional practices.
The collaborative project between the University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, and the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras (UPR) is designed to create spaces for conversations about new research and curriculum development projects among professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and school teachers from Puerto Rico.


Workshop content may be modified to fit the audience and time frame. Please contact CEDER with questions and for scheduling a workshop for your team.

Logic Model Preparation

Evaluation Specialists from CEDER are available to provide a half-day workshop on the use and development of logic models.

The workshop will include information on how to create and use logic models in an evaluation process. Participants will be asked to create a logic model using a current project or program they are currently working on. A pre-workshop survey will be distributed to gather information on participant background and need.

Inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes

Learning Goals
After attending this workshop, participants will be able to

  • describe each component of a logic model;
  • create a logic model for a program;
  • identify ways of using logic models in their programs.

Data Intake and Cleaning Workshop

After completing this workshop, the participant will

  • have experience with importing excel, text, and .csv files into Stata. The participant will also know how to troubleshoot importing data into Stata;
  • learn a process for systematically intaking and cleaning data such that the original data is preserved, and the data is ready for analysis in Stata;
  • be able to clean numerical, categorical, and string data in Stata;
  • have experience with handling missing and ambiguous values in original data sources;
  • have experience with setting up a .do file structure that encourages heavily annotated code;
  • have experience with a .do file tracking system that allows a researcher to follow their code from data intake, cleaning, and analysis.

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Campus and Mailing Address

University of Michigan – Marsal Family School of Education
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
610 East University Ave, Suite 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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