All Academic Offerings
Degree All Menu
Choose from bachelor's degrees with elementary teacher certification or secondary teacher certification.
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Bachelor of Arts or Science with Teacher Certification
Choose from master's degrees in educational studies, educator preparation, or higher education.
Master of Arts in Educational Studies
Online Master of Arts in Leading Educational Innovation and Transformation
Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Policy
Master of Arts in Higher Education
Master of Arts with Teacher Certification
Master of Science in Postsecondary Science Education
Choose from doctoral programs in educational studies, higher education, education & psychology, and English & education.
Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in English and Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
Choose from undergraduate, master's, and cert-only options.
Bachelor of Arts or Science with Teacher Certification
Master of Arts with Teacher Certification
Michigan Alternate Route to Certification (M-ARC)
The Education for Empowerment minor examines the role of education in advancing the aims of justice and democracy in society.
Visit the EdHub for Professional & Community Learning or the Online Master's.
Online Master of Arts in Leading Educational Innovation and Transformation
Pursue alternative routes to certification or one of our non-degree certifications or endorsements.
Michigan Alternate Route to Certification (M-ARC)