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Discover the Marsal School

Transfer students are an integral part of the Marsal School: the unique learning experience that sets us apart relies on the diverse perspectives our transfer students bring to the classroom. Many of our transfer students are surprised to learn that current University of Michigan students must also transfer into the Marsal School. So whether students come to us from across campus or the state, they join our community and start their programs together.

Apply to transfer

Transfer Guides

In addition to the information available to all prospective students, we offer guides specifically for Schoolcraft College and Washtenaw Community College students interested in transferring to the Marsal School. We also offer individual advising to students seeking to transfer from any institution.

Credit Equivalency

The Transfer Credit Equivalency Search allows students at other institutions to find transfer credit information for their coursework. We encourage transfer students to use this tool when registering for courses at their current institutions.

Coursework Evaluation

Our advisors are available to review transcripts and identify any remaining prerequisites needed to enter our Undergraduate Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education Programs.


The Marsal School is committed to ensuring that our programs are affordable for all of our students. In addition to funding and transfer scholarships available through the Office of Financial Aid, we frequently offer scholarships directly to our transfer students, including our Community College Scholarship. This $10,000 scholarship is automatically awarded to students who earned a majority of their transfer credits at a community college.

The State of Michigan also offers funding to eligible students pursuing teacher certification:

  • The Michigan Future Educator Fellowship features a $10,000 scholarship available every year to 2,500 Michigan residents who are pursuing teacher certification.
  • The Michigan Future Educators Stipend provides a $9,600 stipend per semester to support student teachers who are working towards teacher certification. This stipend is available to Michigan residents, non-residents, and international students.

For more information on all of the funding opportunities available to transfer students, please visit our undergraduate funding page or reach out to marsal.scholarships@umich.edu with questions.


Tasneem Madani

I knew Marsal was the right fit for me when transferring wasn't just 'not a problem,' but was considered an 'asset.' From the earliest stages of showing interest in Marsal, I felt welcomed and supported every step of the way. In the end, I found the most supportive, uplifting community of instructors, academic advisors, and, most importantly, pre-service teachers at Marsal.

Tasneem Madani
Undergraduate Secondary Education, 2024