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Marine Hydrodynamics Lab DellaVecchia 2

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The MAC is a practice-to-research center where academic researchers and admissions professionals collaborate to design, think about, and disseminate research ideas to improve admissions policy and practice, across both national and international contexts.
GRIP is a research group founded in 2001 by Pat Herbst, and initially dedicated to the study of geometry, reasoning, and instructional practices. The GRIP lab has been the training grounds for several doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in mathematics education.
What is the core work of teaching, and what is required to learn it and to do it? Developing answers to these questions is at the center of our mission at TeachingWorks.
The CREATE Center fosters community-based research on equity, activism, and transformative education among university-based researchers and community advocates.
DyslexiaHelp is designed to help you understand and learn about dyslexia and language disability.
The Advancing Critical Consciousness, Methods & Equity (AC2ME) lab examines how marginalized people critique, navigate, and challenge social, racial, and political inequities, or develop critical consciousness. We employ advanced methods to pursue a more equitable world.
In partnership, the University of Michigan’s Center for Educational Outreach, the School of Education, and the Ginsberg Center developed the following principles to guide and strengthen K-12 school and educational partnerships in Michigan.
Project Loci focuses on enabling students to gain facility with natural inquiry and real-world problem solving in order to understand how such experiences shape students’ dispositions toward mathematics, perceptions of mathematics instruction, and mathematical practices of sense-making.