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Photo of Burton Memorial Tower's clock, with blue sky in the background and treetops in the foreground.

Support Future Educators

It’s our birthday, so we made a wish list! And everything on our list has something in common: they are funds established for the benefit of future educators. 


Director of Development Krissa Rumsey says, “All three funds are important because they provide different ways for alumni and others to celebrate our legacy or 'pay it forward' to the educators of tomorrow—and in some cases, the educators of today who are in the field. All three funds provide tremendous flexibility in encouraging the next generation of educators and education leaders.”

Centennial Scholarship

Why? The SOE established both endowed and expendable Centennial Scholarship funds in honor of our big milestone. This new scholarship fund is available to SOE students pursuing any degree in any program. The Centennial Scholarship supports today’s students and tomorrow’s students—who will enter programs that do not even exist yet.

How? Make a gift online: myumi.ch/soe-centennial-schlp

Or, contact the SOE’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations to discuss making gifts of securities or setting up a bequest intention.

Fund for Excellence

Why? The Fund for Excellence remains the #1 resource for students who find themselves in need of emergency student aid due to unexpected financial constraints. And emergency aid is only one of the many things the fund makes possible. This fund is expendable, meaning that every dollar raised is available, immediately, to support student’s or other needs. SOE deans have used it to bring in speakers, support student activities, and launch new initiatives. For decades, this has been one of the largest and most utilized annual funds on campus thanks to generations of alumni who regularly make donations so that each year students will have the opportunities that they enjoyed—and more.

How? Make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift online: myumi.ch/soe-excellence

Teach Blue

Why? The Teach Blue initiative, announced in 2020, is a new approach to support teachers—from recruiting diverse candidates to elevating the expertise of experienced educators. The challenges facing the profession of teaching are multifaceted so the solutions will need to be, too. Our goal is to introduce resources to support educators at all stages of their careers.

Beginning with programs that encourage youth to consider the teaching profession, Teach Blue supports the Grow-Your-Own model of preparing diverse teachers to return to the communities they call home to be leaders inside and outside their classrooms. The next barrier that many face when weighing the possibility of a teaching career is concern about overwhelming student debt. Teach Blue provides scholarships to reduce or eliminate the need for loans. Most new teachers are left to learn on the job with very few supports. The SOE has launched a first-of-its-kind teaching residency, with plans to grow these opportunities to serve more beginning teachers. Teach Blue covers costs of on-going professional development and supports for new teachers. In addition to promoting better instruction, these supports help retain teachers through the challenging first years of the profession. In its final stage, Teach Blue supports accomplished teachers who will be incentivized to study problems of education and share their expertise with fellow educators, including novice teachers.

How? Give directly to our Teach Blue fund, which provides flexible support: myumi.ch/soe-teach-blue

Or contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations to contribute to an existing fund or establish your own fund to provide opportunities specifically for future and current teachers.

School of Education
Office of Development and Alumni Relations
610 East University Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
[email protected]

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How teacher education at U-M evolved and continues to push boundaries so teachers will be ready for the complex work ahead of them
A history of philanthropy supporting students, research, facilities, and programming at SOE
Three Education alumnae tell their stories of fighting for equity for women on campus
Generations of SOE community members have long worked to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus and in the field of education
Two student teams investigate biases in campus policing and teacher evaluations
CSHPE's leadership in the changing landscape of higher education
New donors show their support for the Fund for Excellence
We are pleased to present the stories behind two of the school’s endowed memorial scholarships celebrating the lives of extraordinary teachers
Cecil Miskel’s centennial gift supports education administration and policy students
Champions for Education
Mrs. Prechter is offering to match up to $1 million in gifts that support the SOE’s work on the Detroit P-20 Partnership
SOE Dean Elizabeth Moje shares her thoughts on the direction of education and the SOE in the next century
TeachingWorks looks toward its 10th anniversary
CREATE Center launches a network for researchers