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Academic Program
Intellectual Clusters
Showing 1 - 17 of 17 Results
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Research Project Lead for Studies of Postsecondary and Labor Market Outcomes
Secondary Education Managing Director
(734) 763-8890
Assistant Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
Program Coordinator, Combined Program in Education and Psychology
(734) 763-0680
PhD Program Manager, Educational Studies
(734) 647-4513
Executive Communications and Faculty Affairs Assistant to the Dean
(734) 763-4289
Associate Dean
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Educator Preparation; Clinical Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 647-1310
Assistant Director of Research Development
(734) 763-2887
Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor of Mathematics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
(734) 763-3745
Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
Intermittent Lecturer in Teacher Education
Writer/Content Creator
(734) 763-5371
Embedded CAPS Counselor, Marsal Family School of Education
Associate Research Scientist; Intermittent Lecturer, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 476-1990