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Patricio G. Herbst

Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor of Mathematics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


(734) 763-3745



Room 4117
610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Patricio Guillermo (Pat) Herbst is a professor of education and mathematics and the Editor in Chief of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. His scholarship is concerned with the study of professional practices in contexts that are framed by social and technical demands, with the work of mathematics teachers, balancing demands from students’ needs, the discipline of mathematics, and schooling institutions as a prime example of one of those professional practices.

One of Herbst’s focal concerns has been the work teachers do in high school geometry classrooms to engage students in reasoning and proving; this work has served as the basis to develop theory, methods, and technological tools for the study of the work of teaching and the knowledge involved in teaching. These ideas have been influential to contribute to technologically-mediated, practice-based teacher education. All of those activities are carried out in the context of the GRIP, a research and development laboratory that Herbst has maintained since 2001; the GRIP is a vibrant environment, including professional researchers, technicians, and graduate and undergraduate students. In the GRIP, students can apprentice in research and develop their scholarship as they contribute to questions that pertain to the analysis of teachers’ work and teaching knowledge. Herbst teaches a course on mathematics instruction to prospective secondary teachers, courses on research on mathematics instruction and mathematical thinking and learning to doctoral students in mathematics education, and a course on the representation of professional practice for Masters’ students. He did undergraduate studies in mathematics in Argentina, where he also taught high school and college level mathematics. He received his MA and PhD from the University of Georgia, and has been on the U-M faculty since 1999.

Selected Publications

Herbst, P., Chazan, D., & Milewski, A. (2020). Technology tools for mathematics teacher learning: How might they support the development of capacity for specific teaching assignments? In O. Chapman & S. Llinares (Eds.), Handbook of research in mathematics teacher education (pp. 223-251). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Sense.

Dimmel, J. and Herbst, P. (2018). What details do teachers expect from students’ proofs? A study of routines for checking proofs in geometry. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 49(3), 261-291.

Herbst, P., Fujita, T., Halverscheid, S., and Weiss, M. (2017). The learning and teaching of secondary school geometry: A modeling perspective. New York: Routledge.

Herbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2017). The role of theory development in increasing the subject specificity of research on mathematics teaching. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 102-127). Reston, VA: NCTM.

Chazan, D., Herbst, P., and Clark, L. (2016). Research on the Teaching of Mathematics: A Call to Theorize the Role of Society and Schooling in Mathematics. In D. Gitomer and C. Bell (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching (5th ed., pp. 1039-1097). Washington, DC: AERA.

Herbst, P., Chazan, D., Chieu, V. M., Milewski, A., Kosko, K., and Aaron, W. (2016). Technology-Mediated Mathematics Teacher Development: Research on Digital Pedagogies of Practice. In M. Niess, K. Hollebrands, & S. Driskell (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age (pp. 78-106). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Herbst, P., Chazan, D., Kosko, K., Dimmel, J., and Erickson, A. (2016). Using multimedia questionnaires to study influences on the decisions mathematics teachers make in instructional situations. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48, 167-183. DOI 10.1007/s11858-015-0727-y

Herbst, P., & Kosko, K. (2014). Mathematical knowledge for teaching and its specificity to high school geometry instruction. In J. Lo, K. R. Leatham, & L. R. Van Zoest (Eds.), Research Trends in Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 23-45). New York, NY: Springer.

Herbst, P. and Kosko, K. (2014). Using representations of practice to elicit mathematics teachers’ tacit knowledge of practice: A comparison of responses to animations and videos. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 17(6), 515-537

Herbst, P. & Chazan, D. (2012). On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education, 44(5), 601-612.


GRIP is a research group founded in 2001 by Pat Herbst, and initially dedicated to the study of geometry, reasoning, and instructional practices. The GRIP lab has been the training grounds for several doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in mathematics education.


Award Start Date
Aug 15, 2013
Award End Date
Jul 31, 2020
Award Start Date
Feb 01, 2005
Award End Date
Jan 01, 2008
Award Start Date
Feb 01, 2004
Award End Date
Jan 01, 2010