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Leslie Rupert Herrenkohl

Director, Eileen Lappin Weiser Center for the Learning Sciences; Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar Endowed Professor of the Learning Sciences, Marsal Family School of Education


Room 4215
610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Leslie Rupert Herrenkohl, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Educational Studies Program, the Combined Program in Education and Psychology, and the Learning, Equity, and Problem Solving for the Public Good (LEAPS) Program at the University of Michigan.  She is a developmental psychologist and learning scientist who is fascinated by how people learn. She brings a holistic, critical sociocultural approach to examining how people learn concepts, develop practices, and transform their participation in activities that matter to them. Dr. Herrenkohl’s current research focuses on human learning and pedagogical practice inside and outside of school, particularly in community-engaged science learning contexts.

As a designer of learning environments, Dr. Herrenkohl supports powerful learning that is conceptually rich, personally meaningful, and culturally relevant and sustaining.  She creates learning environments inside and outside of school settings and then studies how people learn within them. In order to do this work, she partners with practitioners and community members. These collaborations give her a deep appreciation for the need to integrate theory and practice and to conduct iterative research to better understand the impact of particular approaches and strategies.

Dr. Herrenkohl is Director of the recently launched Eileen Lappin Weiser Center for the Learning Sciences. Herrenkohl serves on the editorial board for the American Educational Research Journal and Cognition & Instruction. Her publications appear in Educational Researcher, Cognition & Instruction, Journal of the Learning Sciences, Science Education, Teachers College Record, New Media and Society, among other outlets. She received her M.A. (1991) and Ph.D. (1995) in psychology from Clark University.


Number Course Name Location Days
EDUC 591
Learning about How People Learn

This course would provide an introduction to major theories of learning and how they have guided educational practice historically and currently. Students will read texts written by featured theorists, and then analyze educational artifacts and learning environments to look for traces of various learning theories. In addition, students will explore how existing artifacts and learning environments might be altered to better align with different theoretical perspectives on learning.

Selected Publications

"From a Social Constructivist to a Critical Decolonizing Sociocultural Approach: Unsettling Power, Privilege, and Oppression and Imagining the Future of Human Learning"

Herrenkohl, L. R., Jackson, A, Ten Brink, J., Easley, K., & Dellavecchia, G., Palincsar, A.S (in press). From a Social Constructivist to a Critical Decolonizing Sociocultural Approach: Unsettling Power, Privilege, and Oppression and Imagining the Future of Human Learning. Handbook of Educational Psychology. Oxford University Press.

"Community Infrastructuring as Necessary Ingenuity in a Pandemic"

Greenberg, D., Calabrese Barton, A., Hardy, K., Roper, A., Williams, C., Herrenkohl, L.R., Davis, E.A., & Tasker, T. (2020). Community Infrastructuring as Necessary Ingenuity in a Pandemic. Educational Researcher.  DOI:10.3102/0013189X20957614

"Learning in community for STEM undergraduates: Connecting a learning sciences and a learning humanities approach in higher education"

Herrenkohl, L.R., Lee, J, Kong, F. Nakamura, S., Imani, K., Nasu, K. Hartman, A., Pennant, B, Tran, E., Wang, E., Eslami, N., Whittlesey, Daniel, Whittlesey, David, Huynh, T., Jung, A., Batalon, C., Bell, A., Taylor, K.H. (2019). Learning in community for STEM undergraduates: Connecting a learning sciences and a learning humanities approach in higher education. Cognition & Instruction. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2019.1624549

"Navigating Fragility and Building Resilience: A School-University Partnership to support the Development of a Full Service Community School"

Herrenkohl, L.R., Napolitan, K, Herrenkohl, T., Kazemi, E., McAuley, L., & Phelps, D. (2019). Navigating Fragility and Building Resilience: A School-University Partnership to support the Development of a Full Service Community School. Teachers College Record, 121 (12), https://www.tcrecord.org ID Number: 22922.

"Towards Teacher Preparation 3.0"

Napolitan, K., Traynor, J., Tully, D., Carney, J., Donnelly, S., & Herrenkohl, L.R. (2019). Towards Teacher Preparation 3.0. Teachers College Record, 121 (12), https://www.tcrecord.org ID Number: 22922

"Learning within and beyond the disciplines"

Herrenkohl, L.R. & Polman, J. (2018).  Learning within and beyond the disciplines.  In Fischer, F., Hmelo-Silver, C.E., Goldman, S. R., & Reimann, P. (Eds.). International Handbook of the Learning Sciences.  Routledge.

"Using Peer Feedback to Improve Students’ Scientific Inquiry."

Tasker, T. & Herrenkohl, L.R. (2016). Journal of Science Teacher Education, 27, 35-59.

Herrenkohl, T., Herrenkohl, L.R., Proulx, M., Benner, J., & Calvo, N. (2016). In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.

"Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)"

Morozov, A., Herrenkohl, L.R., Shutt, K., Thummaphan, P., Vye, N., Abbott, R.D., and Scalone, G. (2014).  Emotional Engagement in Agentive Science Learning Environments.  In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E.A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.) (Volume 2, pp. 1152-1156). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

"Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)"

Gottlieb, E. Herrenkohl, L.R., Wortham, S., Rhodes, C., Packer, M.J., Gonzalez, M.R., and Sfard, A. (2014). Connecting Learning and Becoming: Studying Epistemologies and Identities as Interconnected, Dynamic Systems. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E.A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.). (Volume 3, pp. 1247-1253). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

"The International Handbook of Collaborative Learning (pp. 333-350)."

"Cornelius, L. Herrenkohl, L.R. & Wolfstone-Hay, J. (2013). Organizing Collaborative Learning Experiences Around Subject Matter Domains: The Importance of Aligning Social and Intellectual Structures in Instruction.  In Hmelo-Silver, C. E., O’Donnell, A.M., Chan, C. and Chinn, C. A. (Eds.) New York, NY: Taylor and Francis."

"Investigating Elementary Students’ Scientific and Historical Argumentation"

Herrenkohl, L.R. & Cornelius, L. (2013).  Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22(3), 413-461.

 "Developing Classroom Cultures of Inquiry and Reflection Using Web of Inquiry"

"Herrenkohl, L.R., Tasker, T., and White, B.Y. (2011) Cognition and Instruction, 29(1), 1-44."

"How students come to be, know, and do: A case for a broad view of learning"

Herrenkohl, L.R. and Mertl, V. (2010). Cambridge UK, New York City: Cambridge University Press.

"Inside AND Outside: Teacher-researcher collaboration."

Herrenkohl, L.R., DeWater, L.S., and Kawasaki, K. (2010). The New Educator, 6(1), 74-91.

"The comparative understanding of school subjects: Past, present, and future."

Stevens, R., Wineburg, S., Herrenkohl, L.R., and Bell, P. (2005). Review of Educational Research, 75(2), 125-157.

"Power in the Classroom: How the Classroom Environment Shapes Students’ Relationships with Each Other and with Concepts."

Cornelius, L. and Herrenkohl, L.R. (2004). Cognition and Instruction, 22, 467-498.

"Developing scientific communities in classrooms: A sociocognitive approach"

Herrenkohl, L.R., Palincsar, A.S., DeWater, L.S., and Kawasaki, K. (1999). Journal of the Learning Sciences, 8, 451-493.

"Participant structures, scientific discourse, and student engagement in fourth grade, Cognition and Instruction"

Herrenkohl, L. R., & Guerra, M. R. (1998). 16, 433-475.


Guided by an advisory board, this project aims to develop a tool for evaluating how education apps support learning, based on research and best practices.
In partnership with the greater Marygrove Community in Detroit, we are developing a comprehensive research program focused on LEAPS.


Award Start Date
Jun 01, 2021
Award End Date
May 31, 2024
Award Start Date
Jul 01, 2020
Award End Date
Jun 30, 2025
Award Start Date
Sep 16, 2014
Award End Date
Sep 15, 2015
Award Start Date
Jul 01, 2013
Award End Date
Jun 30, 2018
Award Start Date
Jul 01, 2012
Award End Date
Jun 30, 2013
Award Start Date
Aug 15, 2010
Award End Date
Jul 31, 2014