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Lisa Hawkins

PhD Program Manager, Educational Studies


(734) 647-4513


610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Lisa K. Hawkins serves as the program manager and graduate coordinator for the Ph.D. in Educational Studies at the Marsal Family School of Education. In this role, she provides comprehensive support and mentorship to doctoral students in the Educational Studies (ES) program. Lisa also leads special projects and collaborates with the Marsal School Office of Student Affairs. Her other responsibilities include managing program admissions, supporting program faculty, and overseeing student funding and program finances. She works closely with the ES Program Chair, ES faculty, and key units within the Marsal School and larger campus community. 

Prior to joining the University of Michigan, Dr. Hawkins held a tenured position as an Associate Professor of Education at Ball State University. During her time there, she served as the Director of Graduate Programs and Doctoral Program Advisor. Lisa holds a Ph.D. in Teaching, Curriculum & Educational Policy from Michigan State University, a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Michigan, and a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Eastern Michigan University. Her prior experience includes working as a teacher educator, university field supervisor, National Writing Project consultant, and K-6 educator, where she has had the opportunity to impact the lives of children and teachers in Michigan, Indiana, and across the United States.

When she’s not on campus, Lisa enjoys swimming, musical theater, and spending time with her spouse, two children, and her dog.