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CEDER Programs

Three young students happily test robotics.

Bosch Eco and STEM Teacher (BEST) Grant Program

In partnership with the Bosch Community Fund, CEDER administers, evaluates, improves, and scales the BEST Grant Program. The program awards $1,000- $2,000 to individual or teams of educators in support of innovative, interactive, project-based learning experiences. Since 2017, CEDER has standardized the program across districts, implemented data-informed improvements, evaluated program impact, and scaled the program from 2 to 21 districts nationwide.

A dozen people scattered around a dock, collecting water samples and looking on.

Dow Innovation Teacher Fellowship (DITF)

DITF is the first program of the Andrew N. Liveris Innovation Institute, an interdisciplinary innovation and education hub in Midland, Michigan formed in partnership with the Dow Company Foundation and Delta College. Administered by CEDER, DITF trains and supports K–12 teachers from all disciplines in the Great Lakes Bay Region to design and enact place-based, sustainability-focused units in their classrooms.

Photo of Earth from space at night, with EdHub logo in floating above

EdHub for Community & Professional Learning

The EdHub for Community and Professional Learning is the Marsal Family School of Education’s center of online learning for families, community advocates, educational professionals, and policy makers. The mission of the EdHub is to catalyze a global community committed to ensuring that all students experience the joy, power, and love of learning.

A person speaks at a podium with three others standing alongside.

James A. Kelly Learning Levers Prize

The James A. Kelly Learning Levers Prize is an education technology entrepreneurship competition designed to challenge University of Michigan students to invent digital tools with the potential to significantly improve student learning. This prize encourages a culture of innovation in education, and rewards the creative, interdisciplinary work of University of Michigan students. The goal of the prize is to support scalable, research-based innovative ideas promoting student learning in pre-K–12 education.

CEDER Projects

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CEDER designs and administers surveys and focus groups and analyzes the resulting data to help assess the SOE's Teaching & Learning Exploratory TeachLivE™ Lab.
CEDER supports the College of Engineering Biothreat team's goal of using neural networks and machine learning to discover more effective antimicrobials by developing materials for and piloting a curriculum that introduces high school students to relevant science and technologies.
CEDER evaluates a program that aims to increase the number of low-income and underrepresented students who are prepared to enter postsecondary education.
CEDER evaluates high school academic and mentorship program that provides work opportunities and grows relationships with community partners.
The SOE is debuting a course, developed in partnership with Teach Away, a provider of online professional development courses for teachers, to train educators in disciplinary literacy instructional practices.
CEDER, together with Oakland Schools ISD, develops curriculum that engages students in the history of social justice and inequality in the Detroit metro area, and delivers professional learning to teachers who use the curriculum.
CEDER evaluates the use of a new approach to course design that aims to change the way students build relationships with their peers and instructors.
The collaborative project between the University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, and the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras (UPR) is designed to create spaces for conversations about new research and curriculum development projects among professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and school teachers from Puerto Rico.

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Campus and Mailing Address

University of Michigan – Marsal Family School of Education
Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research
610 East University Ave, Suite 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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