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Marine Hydrodynamics Lab DellaVecchia 2

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The collaborative brings together scholars, teachers, youth, and community educators to create learning opportunities that support deep and meaningful engagement for all students in STEM in ways that matter in their lives and communities.
The Teaching Reasoning and Inquiry Project in Social Studies (TRIPSS) Lab involves two projects aimed at developing social studies inquiry and supporting students’ social studies thinking and writing.
The goal of this research is to investigate how project-based science instruction provides a context in which students can acquire and advance their knowledge and skills in oral and written language as they pursue questions that engage the students in developing their understanding of important scientific concepts.
The Research on Teaching Mathematics in Undergraduate Settings (RTMUS) Lab currently conducts three projects focused on the teaching and learning of mathematics in higher education.
CEDER was the evaluator for the Kessler Scholars Collaborative during the 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic years.
CEDER partners with Center for Academic Innovation to develop new, free online course in computational thinking.
The mission of the Leadership Development and Community Engagement Program is to challenge and develop student-athlete leaders, change thought
Under the direction of MAISA, CEDER leads the development of sets of instructional practices for literacy development, starting with a document for grades 6–12.