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Marine Hydrodynamics Lab DellaVecchia 2

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CEDER is collecting and processing data from focus groups, surveys, reports and reviews, summaries, curricular materials, and both quantitative and qualitative evaluations in order to evaluate the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program.
The Preparation Initiative partners with CEDER to evaluate the impact of its educational programs of U-M students college and professional careers.
CEDER partners with MICHR to evaluate its impact on the clinical and research workforce across the globe.
CEDER designs and administers surveys and focus groups and analyzes the resulting data to help assess the SOE's Teaching & Learning Exploratory TeachLivE™ Lab.
CEDER supports the College of Engineering Biothreat team's goal of using neural networks and machine learning to discover more effective antimicrobials by developing materials for and piloting a curriculum that introduces high school students to relevant science and technologies.
CEDER evaluates a program that aims to increase the number of low-income and underrepresented students who are prepared to enter postsecondary education.
CEDER evaluates high school academic and mentorship program that provides work opportunities and grows relationships with community partners.
The SOE is debuting a course, developed in partnership with Teach Away, a provider of online professional development courses for teachers, to train educators in disciplinary literacy instructional practices.