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U-M Athletic Department Leadership Development and Community Engagement Program

The University of Michigan Athletic Department began working with CEDER to evaluate a new program for student-athletes in October 2019.


The mission of the Leadership Development and Community Engagement Program is to challenge and develop student-athlete leaders, change thought patterns for current and future success academically, athletically, and in their communities through mentorship and action-based learning. Programming focuses on offering student-athletes an opportunity to develop positive relationships, to collectively solve problems, and to grow their self-awareness, motivation, and leadership skills.

CEDER’s evaluation provides information about the experiences and outcomes of the Leadership Development and Community Engagement Program for student-athletes, as well as perspectives from coaches. Specifically, information from the evaluation can be used to

  • inform program planning and implementation;
  • communicate program outcomes to stakeholders;
  • develop a sustainable evaluation plan and activities using a capacity-building training approach.

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