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Michigan Alternate Route to Certification

Master’s Degree/Credit Options

M-ARC includes three (3) program pathways open to candidates from across the State of Michigan:

  • Additional Endorsement pathway allows teachers to add content area or grade level endorsements to their existing standard teaching certificates without leaving the classroom.
  • Initial Certification pathway is an avenue into the teaching profession for candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree. Candidates in this pathway work as certified teachers (with salary and benefits) for 3 years while enrolled in the program.
  • Teach For America (TFA)-Detroit Partnership pathway is exclusively designed for TFA-Detroit corps members pursuing initial teacher certification.

In each pathway, candidates teach under interim teaching certificates while receiving ongoing, content-specific instructional training and development from University of Michigan teacher educators.  The program support lasts for three (3) years as candidates work towards earning their Michigan standard teaching certificates.

Established in 2010 at the University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education, Michigan Alternate Route to Certification (M-ARC) is Michigan’s longest-running state-approved alternative route to certification program. Our program supports teachers’ growth by merging the Marsal School's over 100 years of experience preparing educators with the accessibility of an alternative pathway.

We believe that well-prepared teachers make a difference and that effective teaching matters. We use the Marsal School’s well-crafted practice-based approach to support our candidates in honing their practice while leading a classroom. In keeping with the mission of the Marsal School, M-ARC guides teachers to develop high quality, equitable, and socially just educational opportunities for all students.


Why choose the Marsal School M-ARC program?
  • World-class support from University of Michigan instructors
  • Robust training in research-based teaching practice
  • Focus on teaching toward social justice and equity
  • Opportunity to receive University of Michigan graduate credits or MA degree
  • Affordable monthly fee of $260 
What does M-ARC offer?

Pre-service Induction Supports and Training: 
M-ARC candidates are expected to fully and successfully participate in all of the following pre-certification activities in order to be recommended for Michigan interim teacher certification and begin teaching in a certified position in a Michigan school: 

 Induction Phase I Coursework 
(16 weeks)
Induction Phase II Summer Intensive
(3 weeks)
Course Segments
  • Teacher Identity and Teaching Purpose
  • Getting to Know Learners
  • Equity Centered Trauma-Informed Education
  • Literacy Essentials -or- Disciplinary Literacy
  • Core Teaching Practices
  • Lesson Planning
Building Equity-Centered Classroom Climate, Culture, and Community
Clinical Experiences
  • Individual instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • TeachLive assessment (simulated classroom)
Practicum in a summer school setting with a mentor teacher (includes observation, coaching, and assessment by M-ARC field instructor)

In-service Supports and Training:
Once candidates have successfully completed the pre-service induction period (described above) and begin teaching under an interim teaching certificate, the M-ARC Initial Certification pathway provides mentoring and professional development support through 3 components:

Program ComponentYear 1Year 2Year 3
Field Instruction: Experienced educators work one-on-one with candidates in their classrooms through observations of teaching practice, coaching conversations, and assessment of growth and proficiency across program standards. Field observations, accompanied by coaching conversations, occur at least six (6) times per year.xxx
Content Methods Seminar: Experienced educators facilitate collaborative practice-focused learning experiences for grade level/content area cohorts. These online seminar groups meet about two evenings per month during the first two years of the program.xx 
Portfolio Assignments:  Candidates compile artifacts and reflections from their teaching practice in a professional learning inventory, including a capstone comprehensive unit plan assignment, as evidence of their proficiency in program outcome areas. xxx

Want to learn more about the program or pathways?
See our upcoming information sessions

Program Overview


Additional Endorsement

The M-ARC Additional Endorsement pathway allows teachers to add content area or grade level endorsements to their existing Michigan standard teaching certificates without leaving the classroom.

In this program, candidates teach in their new endorsement areas under interim teacher certification, while continuing to hold their standard teaching certificates. These teachers participate in practice-focused, content-specific professional development for three years, after which the new endorsements are added to their existing Michigan standard teaching certificates. Candidates are responsible for securing appropriate employment in a PK-12 school in the State of Michigan.

The M-ARC Additional Endorsement pathway includes 2 components:

  • Field Instruction: Experienced educators work one-on-one with candidates in their classrooms through observations of teaching practice, coaching conversations, and assessment of growth and proficiency across program standards.
  • Portfolio Development: M-ARC advisers guide candidates in the compilation of artifacts and reflections from their teaching practice in a professional learning inventory as evidence of their proficiency in program outcome areas.

The cost to participate in the M-ARC Additional Endorsement Pathway is $6000 total for the 3-year program (payable in monthly installments).

Note: Enrollment in the 2024 cohort will be limited to teachers seeking additional endorsements in adjacent content areas/grade levels to those on their standard teaching certificates (for example, adding Integrated Science to Biology or adding K-8 ELA to 6-12 ELA).

Initial Certification

The M-ARC Initial Certification Pathway is an avenue into the teaching profession for candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree but have not completed an educator preparation program.

In this program, candidates begin with a pre-service induction period that includes self-paced online coursework and a summer practicum experience working with children in an educational setting. Once this pre-service induction is complete, candidates begin teaching under a Michigan interim teaching certificate with salary and benefits and receive ongoing, practice-focused, content-specific preparation and development for three years to earn their Michigan standard teaching certificates. Candidates are responsible for securing appropriate employment in any K-12 school in the State of Michigan.

The M-ARC Initial Certification pathway includes 3 components:

  • Field Instruction: Experienced educators work one-on-one with candidates in their classrooms through observations of teaching practice, coaching conversations, and assessment of growth and proficiency across program standards.
  • Seminar: Experienced educators facilitate collaborative practice-focused learning experiences for grade level/content area cohorts. These online seminar groups meet about two evenings per month during the first two years of the program.
  • Portfolio Assignments: M-ARC advisers guide candidates in the compilation of artifacts and reflections from their teaching practice in a professional learning inventory as evidence of their proficiency in program outcome areas.

The cost to participate in the M-ARC Initial Certification Pathway is $9360 total for the 3-year program (payable in monthly installments).

TFA-Detroit Partnership

This pathway is a state-approved alternative route to teacher certification open only to teachers who are Teach For America (TFA)-Detroit corps members.

While in the TFA-Detroit corps, the U-M Marsal Family School of Education provides corps members with content methods seminars, field instruction, and job-embedded professional growth experiences to prepare and support their induction as teachers. During their two years in the corps, TFA corps members who are not already certified to teach must participate in M-ARC in order to hold interim teacher certification.

Corps members are encouraged to participate in M-ARC for a third year while continuing to teach in their endorsed content areas/grade levels in Michigan schools, in order to earn Michigan standard teacher certification.

The M-ARC TFA-Detroit Partnership pathway includes 3 components:

  • Field Instruction: Experienced educators work one-on-one with candidates in their classrooms through observations of teaching practice, coaching conversations, and assessment of growth and proficiency across program standards.
  • Seminar: Experienced educators facilitate collaborative practice-focused learning experiences for grade level/content area cohorts. These online seminar groups meet about two evenings per month during the first two years of the program.
  • Portfolio Assignments: M-ARC advisers guide candidates in the compilation of artifacts and reflections from their teaching practice in a professional learning inventory as evidence of their proficiency in program outcome areas.

In most cases M-ARC program fees are covered in full by a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award.

M-ARC candidates can earn certification in the following content areas
Grade BandContent Areas
Lower Elementary (grades PK-3)Lower elementary teachers are qualified to teach core content areas in grades PK-3
Upper Elementary (grades 3-6)Upper elementary teachers are qualified to teach core content areas in grades 3-6

In addition, endorsements in the following content areas can be added to an elementary teaching certificate:

  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Science
  • Social Studies
  • Health/Physical Education
  • Spanish
  • English as a Second Language
Secondary (grades 6-12)
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Science
  • Social Studies
  • Health/Physical Education
  • World Languages
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Latin
    • Spanish
  • English as a Second Language (only available if combined with another grade level/content area)

To determine if an endorsement aligns with the content and/or grade level you’d like to teach, please review the Michigan Department of Education’s Quick Reference: Courses that Can be Taught document.


1. How long is the program?

Per Michigan law, M-ARC requires candidates in all pathways to teach under the interim certificate for three (3) academic years while receiving support through our program. The Initial Certification pathway also includes spring/summer pre-teaching coursework; the TFA-Detroit Partnership pathway requires participation in the TFA Summer Pre-Service prior to beginning to teach.

2. Are the courses online?

Initial Certification Pathway:
Pre-teaching Coursework - In the spring prior to entering the classroom, you will participate in self-paced online pre-teaching courses (February-June). These courses are designed to be compatible with full-time employment and will require about 6-8 hours per week to complete. In addition to that coursework, you will participate in a spring or summer practicum experience that will include a student teaching component as well as pre-teaching seminars and program orientation. Opportunities will be available to participate in this experience in person in Ann Arbor or remotely from other parts of the state.

Teaching Support - Throughout your time in the program, M-ARC will provide support via classroom observations/coaching (in-person and/or via video), ~2x/month online evening seminars with your cohort, and guided compilation of a professional learning portfolio.

TFA-Detroit Partnership Pathway:
Throughout your time in the program, M-ARC will provide support via classroom observations/coaching (in-person and/or via video), ~2x/month online evening seminars with your cohort, and guided compilation of a professional learning portfolio.

3. How much does the program cost?

Additional Endorsement Pathway:
The cost to participate in the M-ARC Additional Certification Pathway is $6000 total for the 3-year program (payable in monthly installments)

Initial Certification Pathway:
The cost to participate in the M-ARC Initial Certification Pathway is $9360 total for the 3-year program (payable in monthly installments).

TFA-Detroit Partnership Pathway:
In most cases, M-ARC program fees are covered in full by a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. If you do not have these funds available, please contact us at [email protected].

4. Is financial aid available?

YES! M-ARC is pleased to be a participating institution in the following Future Proud Michigan Educator funding programs (Initial Certification Pathway only):

  • MI Future Educator Fellowship
    To learn more about how you could receive up to $10,000 for your certification program, click here.
  • Grow Your Own (GYO) Grant
    If you are already employed in a Michigan P-12 public or charter school setting, your district may collaborate with M-ARC to apply for up to $10,000 to support you in earning your certification. To learn more, click here.

No university-based financial aid is available.

Teacher laughs with student

Ready to enroll?

Need more information?

Please complete this survey to indicate your interest in participating in one of M-ARC's teacher certification pathways. This survey is non-committal; if you express interest in enrolling, we will contact you with application information and will keep you informed of program updates.

Contact Information


Initial Certification Pathway Eligibility

Note: Please answer "Yes" if you anticipate earning your bachelor's degree before enrolling in M-ARC.
Note: Please answer "Yes" if you anticipate receiving your Michigan standard or professional teaching certificate before enrolling in M-ARC.
Unfortunately, based on your survey responses you are ineligible for this pathway as you have indicated one of the following:
  • You have not completed a bachelor's degree
  • You do not aspire to teach in Michigan for at least the next three years.
  • You already hold standard or professional teacher certification from the State of Michigan. If you are a certified teacher seeking an additional endorsement, please return to the beginning of the survey.
If you have any questions or comments about our program, please share them below and submit this survey to have someone reach out to you.

Certification/Endorsement Area(s)

For a complete list of the content areas and grade levels M-ARC supports, please see the Certifications/Endorsement Areas section above.

Additional Endorsement Pathway Eligibility

Note: Please answer "Yes" if you anticipate receiving your Michigan standard or professional teaching certificate by August 2022.
The M-ARC Additional Endorsement pathway is designed for teachers who have at least one year of experience.
The M-ARC Additional Endorsement pathway is only open to teachers working in Michigan.
The M-ARC Additional Endorsement pathway is only open to teachers who currently hold standard or professional teaching certification in the State of Michigan, have completed at least one year of successful teaching, and plan to teach in Michigan for the next three years.
Unfortunately, based on your survey responses you are ineligible for this pathway as you have indicated one of the following:
  • You do not hold standard or professional teacher certification from the State of Michigan.
  • You have not yet completed at least one year of successful teaching experience.
  • You do not plan to teach in Michigan for the next three years.
If you are interested in our Initial Certification Pathway for aspiring teachers who do not yet hold Michigan teacher certification, please return to the beginning of the survey.
If you have any questions or comments about our program, please share them below and submit this survey to have someone reach out to you.

Additional Endorsement Area(s)

TFA-Detroit Partnership Pathway Eligibility

The TFA-Detroit Pathway was designed in partnership with Teach For America-Detroit and is only available to TFA-Detroit corps members. If you are interested in this pathway, your first step is to apply to Teach For America at https://www.teachforamerica.org/register
Once you have been accepted into Teach For America and placed in the Detroit region, you will receive information about enrolling in M-ARC.
If you are interested in our Initial Certification Pathway for aspiring teachers do not yet hold Michigan teacher certification and are not enrolled in TFA-Detroit, please return to the beginning of the survey.
What is your status with Teach For America-Detroit?

Questions & Comments

How did you hear about M-ARC? Please check all that apply.

Upcoming Information Sessions

There are no information sessions currently scheduled; please contact us at [email protected] to speak with a recruiter.

M-ARC Team

Associate Dean
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education & Educator Preparation Programs; Chair, Secondary Teacher Education; Clinical Associate Professor, Marsal Family School of Education
(734) 647-1310
Administrative Assistant, Michigan Alternate Route to Certification (M-ARC)
(734) 647-0219
Associate Director, Michigan Alternate Route to Certification
(734) 926-5654

Connect with M-ARC


University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education
610 East University Avenue, Suite 1225
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


[email protected]
(734) 647-0219

Application Steps

Complete these steps to be considered for acceptance into M-ARC.

Additional Endorsement Pathway

The application for the Fall 2024 cohort has closed. Application materials for the Fall 2025 cohort will be posted in Spring 2025. 
Application Deadline: August 15, 2025.
There is no application fee. A completed application includes the following:

  • Application Form
  • Official Transcript for bachelor's (or higher) degree:
    • Minimum GPA: 2.95. Please contact [email protected] if your GPA is below this threshold.
    • The official transcript must be sent directly from the granting institution of your most recent degree and must include the date on which your degree was awarded.
    • University of Michigan Degrees: Please notify [email protected] and we will retrieve the transcript from your student record.
    • Non-University of Michigan Degrees: If your degree is not from the University of Michigan, please request that transcripts be emailed to [email protected] (preferred) or mailed to: M-ARC Program, 610 E. University Suite 1225, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
    • Non-US Degrees: Submit a course-by-course credit evaluation of your transcript which will provide us with a U.S. equivalency of the degree, credits, and GPA. Contact [email protected] to request instructions for the credit evaluation process.

Note: Applicants who are offered admission will be prompted to complete a number of enrollment steps, including passing the MTTC in the content area(s) they wish to add to their Michigan teaching certificate.

Initial Certification Pathway

The application for the 2025 cohort has closed. Application materials for the 2026 cohort will be posted in September 2025. 
Priority Application Deadline: November 15, 2025 (admission decision provided by December 1)
Final Application Deadline: January 6, 2026
There is no application fee. A completed application includes the following: 

  • 2026 Cohort Application - As part of the application you will be asked to respond to 2 prompts.
  • Official Transcript for bachelor's (or higher) degree:  Minimum GPA: 2.95. The official transcript must be sent directly from the granting institution of your most recent degree and must include the date on which your degree was awarded. Please request that transcripts be emailed to [email protected] (preferred) or mailed to: M-ARC Program, 610 E. University Suite 1225, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
  • Non-US Transcript: If you completed your degree outside of the U.S., you will need to submit a course-by-course credit evaluation of your transcript which will provide us with a U.S. equivalency of the degree, credits, and GPA. If this is your situation, please email [email protected] to request instructions for the credit evaluation process.
  • Recommendation Form - To be completed by someone who knows you in an academic or professional capacity and can briefly speak to your potential as a K-12 educator and a certification program participant.

Note: Applicants who are offered admission will be prompted to complete a number of enrollment steps, including passing the MTTC in the content area(s) you wish to teach.

TFA-Detroit Partnership Pathway
  • To apply to be a Teach For America-Detroit corps member, visit teachforamerica.org/register
  • Accepted TFA-Detroit corps members will be contacted with instructions for completing M-ARC enrollment requirements.

Funding Opportunities

M-ARC, as part of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, is a participating institution in two Future Proud Michigan Educator funding programs.

Connect with M-ARC


University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education
610 East University Avenue, Suite 1225
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


[email protected]
(734) 647-0219

M-ARC is a certification-only program and does not, by default, lead to graduate credits or a master's degree. However, there are a number of options available for M-ARC candidates to earn U-M graduate credits or a full master’s degree during their time in our program.

If you are interested in more detailed information regarding master’s degree or credit-bearing options for M-ARC candidates, please contact [email protected].

Master's Degree / Credit Options

Educational Studies Master’s Programs
Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP)—Recommended

The 30-credit Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP) program is centered on the collaborative practice of continuous improvement. It is anchored deeply in theory and research on school leadership, improvement, social justice, and leadership development. We bring together a diverse cohort of students with shared interests in understanding and improving schools, instruction, and K-12 students’ educational outcomes. Educational Leadership and Policy master’s courses typically meet late afternoons or evenings to accommodate working professionals.

M-ARC Credit Equivalences for ELP Electives
Educational Leadership and Policy students are eligible to earn up to 12 credit equivalencies by completing M-ARC. These credits can be applied toward elective requirements in the ELP master’s program.

Additional Educational Studies Master’s Pathways

M-ARC candidates are eligible to apply to other pathways within the Educational Studies program; however, class schedules for these pathways are not typically compatible with working full-time as a teacher:

Master’s Program Tuition

Graduate tuition rates vary depending on the number of credits earned per semester, duration of the program, and residency status. Scholarship funding for master’s programs is available to M-ARC candidates.

Helpful links related to tuition:

Additional Graduate Credit Options
Non-Candidate for Degree (NCFD) Credits

NCFD is an option for M-ARC candidates who seek graduate credits (5-8 credits) for completing M-ARC program requirements without pursuing a degree.

Cost: University of Michigan tuition rates. See above (Master’s Program Tuition) for links to information.
Application: Apply and enroll during final year in M-ARC.


The MicroMasters program in Leading Educational Innovation & Improvement is a low-cost 12-credit online program offered through MichiganX. Participants earn a MicroMasters certificate and can transfer up to 12 credits to a U-M Educational Studies master’s program upon successful completion of the self-paced coursework. This program is an option for individuals who do not complete a master’s program at the Marsal School or seek the Non-Candidate for Degree option (NFCD).

Connect with M-ARC


University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education
610 East University Avenue, Suite 1225
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


[email protected]
(734) 647-0219