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Master of Arts with Secondary Teacher Certification

Overview & Requirements
Careers & Field Experience

In the Master of Arts in Educational Studies with Secondary Teacher Certification program, students participate in university and school-based experiences that enable them to meet the challenges facing today's educators teaching at the junior high and high school levels. The immersive full-time program begins in mid-June and finishes in mid-June the following year. Coursework is completed concurrently with a teaching internship to allow students to explore pedagogies through authentic classroom interactions while being fully supported by field instructors.

The 12-month program is designed to allow program faculty to integrate most of the required courses into a series of interconnected topics. Rather than teaching a given education course during a single term, the content is taught across several terms. This allows faculty to transcend traditional term-time constraints and teach topics when they are most beneficial to students.

Teacher Certification
The Secondary Master of Arts with Secondary Teacher Certification program prepares you for certification to teach in grades 6-12. With successful completion of the program, you will earn a Master of Arts in Educational Studies degree and a recommendation for Michigan teacher certification.

Students join a 30 to 40-person cohort for the 12-month program, which allows them to learn in the company of other interns who are working in similar contexts. This allows you to develop a network of colleagues who bring multiple perspectives to the field of education.

Program Policy Regarding Transportation
The secondary teacher education program prioritizes learning about issues of diversity, inclusion, justice, and equity in teaching. We aim for all interns to experience teaching and learning in a variety of school contexts and become effective teachers of students from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, interns are placed in a range of clinical experience placements that require travel as much as 45 miles from the Marsal Family School of Education.

Interns are responsible for their own transportation to and from their placement sites and should keep this expense in mind when calculating their educational expenses. It is expected that interns have independent reliable transportation to ensure their ability to adequately access the schools with whom we partner for clinical experiences.

Want to learn more about the program?
See our upcoming information sessions

Additional certificate and endorsement opportunities


Minimum credits required

Core credits


Students complete the following courses:

Some students may opt for additional Content Area Methods, depending on their endorsement area(s).

Teaching / practicum credits


Students complete the following courses:

Some students may opt for additional Content Area Methods, depending on their endorsement area(s).

Endorsement area credits

Students generally complete the requirements for the endorsement area of their choice before entering the program.

Course Sequence

SEMESTER 1: Summer
Mid-June–Early August
CourseCredit Hours
EDUC 445 – Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in the General Education Middle and High School1 credit hour
EDUC 504 – Teaching with Technology1 credit hour
EDUC 606 – Educational Psychology3 credit hours
EDUC 649 – Foundational Perspectives on Educational Reform3 credit hours
EDUC 650 – Reflective Teaching Field Experience1 credit hour
EDUC 695 – Research and Educational Practice3 credit hours
Semester 1 total:12 credit hours

In addition to coursework, students

  • spend time in one school;
  • observe and teach parts of lessons in small groups;
  • and meet for 2–3 hours per week in seminar class to reflect on experiences.
Late August–Mid-December
CourseCredit Hours
EDUC 402 – Reading and Writing in the Content Areas3 credit hours
EDUC 4XX – Content Area Methods3–5 credit hours*
EDUC 504 – Teaching with Technology1 credit hour
EDUC 571 – Professional Development Seminar in Teacher Education.5 credit hour
EDUC 593 – Educational Linguistics3 credit hours
EDUC 650 – Reflective Teaching Field Experience2–3 credit hours*
Content area coursesVaries
Semester 2 minimum:12.5 credit hours

In addition to coursework, students

  • spend 16–19 hours (2 days) per week in up to two different schools;
  • teach parts of lessons and whole lessons by themselves, in pairs, or in small groups;
  • and meet for 2 hours per week in seminar class to reflect on experiences.

* A second practicum and methods are required for non-aligned endorsements

SEMESTER 3: Winter
Early January–Mid-March
CourseCredit Hours
EDUC 504 – Teaching with Technology1 credit hour
EDUC 571 – Professional Development Seminar in Teacher Education.5 credit hour
EDUC 652 – Directed Teaching in the Secondary School5 credit hours
EDUC 654 – Problems and Principles of Secondary Education1 credit hour
Semester 3 total:9.5 credit hours

In addition to coursework, students

  • spend 30–35 hours (4 days) per week in a single school;
  • teach sequences (units) of lessons by themselves or in pairs;
  • and meet for 2 hours per week in seminar class to reflect on experiences.
SEMESTER 4: Spring
CourseCredit Hours
EDUC 571 – Professional Development Seminar in Teacher Education.5 credit hour
EDUC 652 – Directed Teaching in the Secondary School1 credit hour
EDUC 654 – Problems and Principles of Secondary Education.5 credit hour
Semester 4 total:2 credit hours

In addition to coursework, students

  • spend 40–45 hours (5 days) per week in a single school;
  • teach sequences (units) of lessons by themselves or in pairs;
  • and meet for 2 hours per week in seminar class to reflect on experiences.

Endorsement Areas

under construction


Arabic (minimum 30 credits)
Requirement Description
ARABIC 401 or ARABIC 402 Advanced Arabic I or
Advanced Arabic II
ARABIC 503 Classical Arabic Grammar
ARABIC 506 Arabic Phonology and Morphophonology
ARABIC 507 Arabic Syntax and Semantics
ANTHRCUL 409 Peoples and Cultures of the Near East and North Africa
EDUC 307 or
Practicum or
Reflective Teaching Field Experience
EDUC 419 or
Teaching Methods for World Language Minors or
Teaching World Languages in the Secondary School
Literature Students choose two (6 credits) of the following courses: ARABIC 600, 601, 602, 604.
Electives Electives (if needed) to meet 30-credit minimum. Students choose from the following courses: ARABIC 410, 504, 508, 509 (strongly suggested), 510, 513, 612 (strongly suggested), 613 (strongly suggested); NEAREAST 200, 325, 483; LING 351; or any category above.

Required for endorsement but doesn't count toward minimum credits or GPA

Upcoming Information Sessions

There are no information sessions currently scheduled; please contact us at [email protected] to speak with a recruiter.

Application Deadlines

Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible to receive timely decisions, engage with their program, and have time to make an informed decision.

Summer (Jun)
March 28, 2025
Final (Extended) Deadline

Application Process

Step 2: Submit a request for coursework evaluation

Complete a request for coursework evaluation form.

This process is used to determine the content coursework you have previously completed towards certification requirements. Please submit all transcripts reflecting college-level coursework directly to the Marsal Family School of Education. Unofficial transcripts are accepted for this initial evaluation, but official transcripts will be required upon admission. Evaluations are free of charge and may take three to four weeks to complete.

Step 3: Prepare your application materials

To submit a successful application for admission, you need to provide the following:

  • Academic Statement of Purpose
    • Please review the Educator Preparation Program Mission and Vision Statements Below:
      • Mission: Our mission in the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at the U-M Marsal Family School of Education is to prepare educators to support the well-being and learning of young people and to advance justice through their practice, advocacy, and activism. All pathways within the EPP leverage both research and the expertise of experienced educators to prepare novices for the complex work of supporting young people's learning and thriving, as well as that of  their families and communities. We drive to uphold diversity and inclusion, and to advance justice and equity, in the field of educator preparation. 
      • Vision: The Educator Preparation Program  at the U-M Marsal Family School of Education pursues a vision of educating towards justice. 
    • Please address the following in your Essay:
      • How does your experience prepare you to engage in a program with these commitments?
      • What goals do you have for your own career in light of these commitments?
    • 4000 characters - approx. 500 words - maximum
  • Personal Statement 
    • 500 word limit
    • How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan? For example, if you grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, you might discuss the impact this had on your development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to your decision to seek a graduate degree. Please do not repeat your Academic Statement of Purpose.
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation
    • Academic/Intellectual Letter (typically a professor or instructor): One letter assessing the applicant’s intellectual curiosity, preparedness for university study, receptivity to feedback, and/or perseverance. If you are applying to the secondary program, a letter from a professor or instructor from the content area in which you are seeking certification is preferred. 
    • Teaching Potential Letter One letter addressing the candidate’s potential to become a successful teacher. This may include: personal characteristics, work ability, capacity to work with people, specifically youth, etc.
    • Due to COVID-19, we are aware that complications may arise when seeking
      your letters of recommendation. Please view the letter of recommendation
      requirements *as guidelines* for the type of information we are seeking as
      you determine your two recommenders. We will offer additional flexibility
      as we understand the complications during this time of gathering letters of
      recommendation that speak to these requirements.
    • Register your recommenders' names and contact information on the online application so that they will be sent instructions for submitting their letters via the application system. Let your recommenders know that they need to upload a letter and that it is required by the program.
    • As soon as you click "save" on the page of the application where your recommenders' contact information is entered, they will receive an email with instructions for completing the process. Proceed to this point in the application process as soon as possible to trigger that email.
  • Resume or CV
    • 1-2 pages 
  • Test Scores (See test details in Step 7 below) 
    • English proficiency scores (for non-native speakers of English only)
    • GRE Test Scores are not required for admission
Step 4: Create an ApplyWeb account, managed by Rackham Graduate School

Create an account with Rackham Graduate School.

This program, like all of the Marsal Family School of Education's graduate programs, is administered through the University of Michigan's Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Rackham offers a host of resources and administrative support to help see you through from submitting your application to completion of your degree.

Step 5: Complete pages 1-5 of application using ApplyWeb
  • After completing page 5 of the application, you will receive an e-mail with your U-M ID. A U-M ID number will be issued to you via email within 5 business days of completing pages 1-5 and advancing to page 6 of the ApplyWeb application. Having your U-M ID number to include on all your application materials ensures accurate and timely processing, so we encourage you to complete pages 1-5 early in the process.
  • If you need to submit your application before you receive your U-M ID number, you may still complete the application. Include your date of birth and the program’s name on your application materials.
  • Current and former U-M Ann Arbor students, alumni and employees: You do not need to obtain a new U-M ID number. Use your previously obtained U-M ID number.
  • If your personal information has changed (for example, legal name, gender), make sure the personal information you submit with your application matches your previous Ann Arbor campus record. If your previous Ann Arbor campus record does not display your current personal information, contact the Registrar’s Office or the Shared Services Center to change your personal information before you apply.
Step 6: Upload academic statement of purpose, the personal statement, and a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume to the ApplyWeb application

Include at the top of each document:

  • The type of document (Academic Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, or Curriculum Vitae or Resume)
  • Your name
  • The name of the graduate program
  • Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)

Make sure margins are at least one-inch so nothing is cropped when you upload the documents to the application. Please preview your files after they have been uploaded. You can also convert your documents to PDF format before uploading.

Step 7: Submit test scores (non-native speakers of English only)
  • TOEFL, MELAB, ECPE, or IELTS scores (for non-native speakers of English only; valid 2 years from test date)
  • GRE Test Scores
    • GRE test scores are not required for admission, but scores (valid 5 years from test date) can be included with your application.
    • Provide ETS with the U-M Institutional Code of 1839 and your scores will be sent directly to the university.
  • Test scores must be sent directly from the testing center to the Rackham Graduate School. We recommend starting this process early as it can take up to two weeks for the scores to be received. 
Step 8: Submit transcripts
  • Upload an electronic version of your official transcript(s) for each Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional, or Doctoral degree earned or in progress through your ApplyWeb application account (part of the Rackham application system).
  • Do not upload academic records printed from your school’s website or student portal.
  • Students who have studied in a country outside of the U.S. should review the required credentials from non-U.S. institutions. For all degrees obtained at non-U.S. institutions—Request that degree-granting institutions submit official transcripts/records to the Rackham Graduate School at the time of application.
  • If you are recommended for admission, the Rackham Graduate School will require official transcript(s). Recommended applicants will receive an email notification when the official transcript(s) are required for submission.
Step 9: Check that letters of recommendation have been submitted
  • Check the status of your letters of recommendation, change a recommender, or resend the notification email to your recommender using the ApplyWeb Activity Page
  • Please reach out to [email protected] if there are any questions regarding the submission of the letters of recommendation.
Step 10: Create a U-M Friend Account

Check on your application status. If you’ve been accepted, you will receive an email with information on how to send your official transcripts.

Step 11: Respond to admission offer

Scholarships & Quick Facts

Application fee waiver


The $75 application fee is waived for all U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents

GRE general exam scores

Not required

Financial aid

100% of admitted EPP master's students received scholarship support administered by the Marsal School in 2021–22:
  • Minimum scholarship offer to in-state admitted students: $11,500
  • Minimum scholarship offer to out-of-state admitted students was $25,000
  • Each of our Teacher Education programs recognized two Rackham Merit Fellowships (Rackham Master’s Awards - RMAs) as a result of allocations received from Rackham Graduate School
Students are automatically considered for our graduate scholarships—no application is required

Part-time status

Not available



of known graduates found full time employment in education


of known graduates were highly satisfied or satisfied with current position


of known graduates found a job within 6 months
Hiring organizations and job titles


Organization Job Title Location
Bark River-Harris High School Social Studies/Psychology Teacher Bark River, MI
Forest Hills Central High School 9th, 10th & AP English Teacher Grand Rapids, MI
Freeland High School High School History Teacher Freeland, MI
Greenhills School 10th Grade Science Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
Lumen Christi Catholic School 9th-12th Grade Teacher Jackson, MI
Owosso High School Science Teacher Owosso, MI
Pathways to Success High School Teacher Ann Arbor, MI
South Lyon High School English Teacher South Lyon, MI
West Middle School 6th and 7th Grade Teacher Rochester, MI


Organization Job title Location
Annandale High School Mathematics Teacher Annandale, VA
Franklin High School Social Studies Teacher Franklin, NJ
Glenn Westlake Middle School ELL/ Bilingual 8th Grade Teacher Lombard, IL
New Providence High School Mathematics Teacher New Providence, NJ

Field Experience

Program-long involvement and experience in schools is central to the Master of Arts with Secondary Teacher Certification program. This allows students to delve deeply into issues related to public school education and to work closely with experienced school colleagues. 

You will begin working with cooperating teachers in late August. You will help with planning for the year and assisting in classroom set-up for the fall. You will work with the same students and cooperating teacher throughout the school year. Students also work with the same field instructor who works regularly with students, observes classroom teaching, conducts seminar sessions with the cohort, and assists students to become skilled professionals.