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Edward A. Silver

William A. Brownell Collegiate Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor of Mathematics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


(734) 615-6580


Room 4115
610 E. University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Edward A. Silver teaches and advises graduate students in mathematics education and conducts research related to the teaching and learning of mathematics. He is currently the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and the William A. Brownell Collegiate Professor of Education and professor of mathematics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In the past, he has served as chair of the Educational Studies Program and as associate dean of academic affairs in the School of Education at the University of Michigan on the Ann Arbor campus, and as dean of the School of Education at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, one of the university’s two regional campuses. Before joining the U-M faculty, he taught at the middle school and high school levels in New York State and at universities in Illinois, California, and Pennsylvania. He received his doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University.

His scholarly interests include the study of mathematical thinking, especially mathematical problem solving and problem posing; the design and analysis of intellectually engaging and equitable mathematics instruction for students; innovative methods of assessing and reporting mathematics achievement; the practices of mathematics teaching and methods to enhancing teachers’ knowledge and effectiveness; and examining the interface between research and practice in education and enhancing productive interchange between education research and practice. He has directed research projects and published numerous articles, chapters, and books on these and related topics. He served as editor of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education from 2000-2004 and as co-editor of The Elementary School Journal from 2008-2010.
He has received a number of recognitions for his work, including the 2004 Award for Outstanding Contributions of Educational Research to Practice from the American Educational Research Association, the 2007 Iris Carl Memorial Leadership and Equity Award from TODOS, the 2008 Judith Jacobs Lectureship from the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the 2011 Senior Scholar Award from the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group for Research in Mathematics Education. He was the Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta in Fall 2015. In 2016, he was selected as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, and in 2017 he was elected to membership in the National Academy of Education.



Number Course Name Location Days
EDUC 607
Contemporary Approaches to Educational Assessment

In our current age of accountability, developing an appreciation and understanding of the complexities of the design, evaluation and interpretation of educational assessment is paramount. In this graduate seminar we will draw on contemporary research papers, a range of existing tests, and multi-media resources to examine, understand, discuss and evaluate current theory, practice, and instruments associated with assessment systems used to evaluate learning.

The course has three goals: 1) to acquaint students with essential concepts in educational measurement such as reliability, validity, error, and bias; 2) to provoke inquiry into a number of important issues in the field including (a) assessment and accountability, (b) classroom-based assessment, especially formative assessment, (c) assessing students with special needs, (d) standards for educational assessment, (e) technology-based approaches to assessment, and (f) assessing teachers and teaching; and 3) to examine contemporary educational assessment practices in the Unites States with reference to the practices in other countries.

This course is designed as a fundamental graduate seminar on the principles, analysis, interpretation and appropriate use of educational measurement approaches and test design and it is not intended for individuals interested in a statistics-based methods course.

For questions, please contact Ed Silver at [email protected].

Selected Publications

"Teaching and learning mathematical problem solving:  Multiple research perspectives."

Silver, E. A. (Ed.).  (1985). Hillsdale, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

"On mathematical problem posing." 

Silver, E. A. (1994). For the Learning of Mathematics, 14 (1), 19-28. 

"The QUASAR project:  Equity concerns meet mathematics education reform in the middle school."

Silver, E. A., Smith, M. S., & Nelson, B. S.  (1995). In W. Secada,  E. Fennema, & L. Byrd Adajian (Eds.), New directions in equity in mathematics education (pp. 9-56).  New York:  Cambridge University Press.

"An analysis of arithmetic problem posing by middle school students."

Silver, E. A., & Cai, J. (1996). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27, 521-539.

"The QUASAR project: The 'revolution of the possible' in mathematics instructional reform in urban middle schools." 

Silver, E. A., & Stein, M. K.  (1996). Urban Education, 30 (4), 476-521.

"The development of professional developers: Learning to assist teachers in new settings in new ways." 

Stein, M. K., Smith, M. S., & Silver, E. A. (1999). Harvard Educational Review, 69 (3), 237-269.

"Moving from rhetoric to praxis: Issues faced by teachers in having students consider multiple solutions for problems in the mathematics classroom."

Silver, E. A., Ghousseini, H., Gosen, D., Charalambous, C., & Strawhun, B.T.F.  (2005). Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 24, 287-301.

"Theory in mathematics education scholarship." In F. K. Lester (Ed.)

Silver, E. A., & Herbst, P. G. (2007). Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 39-67). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Teaching mathematics for understanding: An analysis of lessons submitted by teachers seeking NBPTS certification." 

Silver, E. A., Mesa, V., Morris, K. A., Star, J. R., & Benken, B. M. (2009). American Educational Research Journal, 46(2) 501-531. DOI:10.3102/0002831208326559

"Implementing standards-based mathematics instruction:  A casebook for professional development, Second Edition."

Stein, M. K., Smith, M. S., Henningsen, M. A., & Silver, E. A.  (2009). New York:  Teachers College Press.


Award Start Date
Sep 01, 2022
Award End Date
Aug 31, 2024
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Jun 30, 2019
Award End Date
Aug 31, 2022
Award Start Date
Jan 01, 2018
Award End Date
Jul 01, 2019
Award Start Date
Dec 31, 2016
Award End Date
Dec 31, 2017
Award Start Date
Feb 09, 2010
Award End Date
Jan 09, 2011
Award Start Date
Feb 09, 2009
Award End Date
Jan 09, 2010
Award Start Date
Feb 09, 2006
Award End Date
Jan 09, 2008
Award Start Date
Feb 04, 2000
Award End Date
Nov 02, 2001