Bosch/SOE K-12 STEM Education Planning and Development 2018-19

The University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education will continue to address the needs of the Bosch Community Fund to promote and improve K-12 STEM education. Under the direction of Professor Edward Silver, this project will be undertaken by the Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research (CEDER).
The overarching goal of this partnership continues to be to increase the impact of the Bosch Energy, Environment, Engineering, Science and Technology (BE3ST) Teacher Grant Program by building capacity and infrastructure, creating a learning community among grantees, and enhancing knowledge and skills of the STEM teaching force.
During the initial funding of this project, the CEDER team identified and surveyed past applicants and winners, analyzed both best practices and current grant process for sample sites, outlined a proposed standardized grant application, developed a research base and instructional framework within which to center a professional learning network, piloted professional development materials and experiences around science learning and engineering design cycles, and hosted a conference.
During the coming grant period, the team will expand upon this work, concentrating on the following focus areas:
- Refining and piloting an evaluation plan for the BE3ST Teacher Grant Program
- Piloting an administrative system to scale the BE3ST Teacher Grant Program
- Continuing to convene and support a network and professional learning community for STEM educators
- Formalizing the Bosch Doctoral Fellowship in STEM Education at the Marsal Family School of Education
- Running a pilot of the BE3ST Teacher Grant Program in Michigan sites