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Showing 241 - 255 of 263 Results
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Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 832 3 Theory and Research on the Development of Expertise in Science Teaching

Discusses theory and research on science teacher learning and development. Examines contemporary and historical frameworks for characterizing teacher learning and development, focusing on teacher knowledge, particularly subject matter and subject-specific pedagogical knowledge. Examines the use of computer-based tools for promoting teacher learning and development. Students will interview teachers regarding their knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning science, observe their classroom practice, and analyze how knowledge and beliefs influence their practice.

EDUC 834 3 Designing Science Learning Environments

The course allows students to explore issues in designing science learning environments that promote deep understanding of science content and inquiry. Emphasis is placed on promoting learning through inquiry, collaboration, and the use of technology. In addition, students focus on issues of meeting the needs of diverse learners.

EDUC 835 1-3 Independent Study


EDUC 865 3 Evaluation and Assessment in Postsecondary Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Examines various theoretical and working models for assessment and evaluation in postsecondary education at several levels: assessing student outcomes, reviewing program outcomes, and conducting program and institutional accreditation. Prepares students to design and interpret evaluative research and assessment procedures.

EDUC 868 3 Philosophy of Academic Leadership

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. CSHPE core.

Furnishes the opportunity for each student to identify and defend a set of principles that will guide his or her action as an academic administrator on the fundamental issues of higher and continuing education. Analyzes classic philosophical works and applies them to such issues as right of access to postsecondary education, the nature of a liberal education, the participation of colleges and universities in social issues, and ethical obligations in research.

EDUC 869 3 The Scholarship of Academic Contexts and Success

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
The goal of this course is to build students' knowledge and skills related to conceptualizing and critiquing research. Students analyze theoretical framing and methods of inquiry into the academic aspects of colleges and universities, and prepare critical integrative literature reviews on topics of interest.

EDUC 873 3 Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Higher Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Provides a view of the sociological and psychological issues affecting African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos/as (Hispanics), Native Americans, and women in higher education. Topics include the racial and gender stratification of the higher education system and the emergence of institutions that serve special populations, a critical review of research on minority and women’s achievement, research on women and minority faculty, campus race relations, and controversies in the policies and discourse regarding cultural diversity.

EDUC 874 3 Law and Higher Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Explores basic legal theories and their application in higher education, using the case method of study and discussion; covers such topics as constitutional mandates of due process and equal protection, nondiscrimination in employment and educational programs, privacy and openness, tenure and academic freedom, contractual obligations, and program discontinuance.

EDUC 881 3 Public Policy Research and Analysis in Postsecondary Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. CSHPE core.
A seminar for advanced doctoral students that focuses on the identification, analysis, and report preparation related to a major public policy issue. The seminar stresses the dynamics and strategies of policy analysis in a complex policy arena, the various approaches to policy research, and the integration of varied data sources and analytical techniques. Students typically work in policy teams and develop a policy report and/or recommendations appropriate to the issue addressed.

EDUC 888 Qualifying Paper Preparation Workshop

An advanced theory course for Higher Education doctoral students the semester prior to beginning their Qualifying Paper. This course serves as workshop and discussion space to hone QP ideas, approaches, and theories.

EDUC 889 Qualifying Paper A

The overall goal of Qualifying Paper A is for doctoral students to conduct an in-depth, critical analysis of the existing literature relevant to a specific topic.

EDUC 890 3 Multi-level Analysis of Survey Data (SURVMETH 790)

Prerequisites: EDUC 795 or other regression-based course.
The major phenomenon of interest in educational research is the learning of individual students. Because learning (a) implies change over time, and (b) occurs in organizational settings, two troublesome methodological problems persist in the social sciences: how to measure change and how to accommodate the grouped nature of the phenomenon (also referred to as the unit of analysis problem). In a sense, the problems share a common cause, since traditional statistical techniques are inadequate to model the hierarchical nature of both phenomena. This advanced course in quantitative methods introduces students to the analytic situations in which multilevel methods are ideal, trains students in the use of the statistical program Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM), and provides experience in multilevel analysis. Students must possess skill in multivariate data analysis through regression.

EDUC 891 3 Qualitative Methods Workshop

Prerequisites: EDUC 792 or permission of instructor
Workshop of presentations of educational research using qualitative methods. Generally, each session will be a presentation of qualitative research in progress. Students enrolled in the course will need to recruit a faculty mentor (generally not the instructor) to supervise their research project. Students should register for the course in the semester they present their research. This course fulfills the advanced research methods requirement for Marsal School doctoral students.

EDUC 895 3 The Logic of Inquiry

Prerequisites: EDUC 695 or equivalent
Reviews and analyzes assumptions that underlie and support the various methods used to study educational phenomena. Considers question-finding and ways of linking research questions to appropriate methods.

EDUC 896 3 Engaging in the Practice of Writing Educational Research

This seminar is designed for advanced doctoral students who are engaged in writing a proposal, scholarly paper, dissertation, or research publication. Participants will make substantial progress on these writing projects while also further developing their writing and research skills. The class includes a weekly writing workshop and shared writing time.