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Course Catalog

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
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Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 965 1 Dissertation Research Seminar in Higher and Continuing Education

Prerequisites: Graduate standing as advanced doctoral student.
Offers guidance and discussion of dissertation research projects.

May be elected more than once.

EDUC 990 1-8 Dissertation, Precandidacy

Prerequisites: Graduate standing as advanced doctoral student.
For dissertation work by doctoral students not yet admitted to the status of candidate.

Credit Hours: 1-8, full term; 1-4, half term

EDUC 991 1-3 Scholarly Paper (previously Prelim A)

This course is a scholarly paper of sufficient length, depth, and complexity to demonstrate that the student is able to frame a significant and worthwhile problem, select a method or methods of research appropriate to the resolution of the problem, employ this method or these methods properly, and present the entire effort in writing that is both clear and cogent.

May be elected more than once; for Educational Studies doctoral students who began in Summer or Fall of 2008.

EDUC 992 1-3 Portfolio (previously Prelim B)

This course is a written examination consisting of a number of questions or assignments designed to assess the breadth and depth of the students understanding of his or her specialty area as well as the place of this specialty field within the larger domain of education. Examples of assignments include an essay review of a book or books, an annotated syllabus for an advanced graduate course, a review of a research proposal, or an analytical review of a body of literature.

May be elected more than once; for Educational Studies doctoral students who began in Summer or Fall of 2008.

EDUC 995 4-8 Dissertation, Candidacy

Prerequisites: doctoral candidate.
Election for dissertation work by doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy status.

Credit Hours: 8, full term; 4, half term