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Course Catalog

Showing 1 - 15 of 42 Results
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Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 401 3 Literacy 1: Development of Foundational Skills

Addresses questions about how literacy develops in young children and what can teachers do to foster that development. Launches by considering the history of literacy in the U.S. and modern-day literacy demands. Then addresses several major constructs in early literacy development—concepts of print, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonics, spelling, word recognition, and reading fluency in grades PK-6.

EDUC 402 0.5-3 Reading and Writing in Content Areas

Offers an introduction to the processes of reading and writing development, emphasizing methods and materials for teaching literacy skills in elementary and junior high schools (K–8).

Credit Hours: Undergraduates 3; Graduates 0.5-3

EDUC 403 3 Literacy 2: Development of Comprehension and Motivation PK-6

Addresses effective teaching of reading comprehension across PK-6. Focus is on the skills, strategies, knowledges, and motivations that support the development of reading comprehension, how to assess comprehension, and how to design and enact a range of instructional strategies and routines to support students in becoming skillful and engaged readers across subject areas.

EDUC 404 3 Introduction to Teaching English Internationally

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites
This course introduces participants to the field of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL*). The course is designed for people who may wish to teach English abroad or to tutor language learners in the US. Participants will build a foundation in English pronunciation, lexicon and grammar so that they understand the particular challenges English language learners face. They will learn how to design lessons for children and young adults that use a communicative, interactive approach and will micro teach those lessons in class. They will investigate, critique and use a variety of EFL materials. They will explore opportunities for teaching EFL as well as the international role of English and sociopolitical factors that affect English language learning in other countries. They will have a weekly practice-teaching experience with non-native English speakers. Finally, upon successful completion of the course, they will receive a certificate that documents what they have accomplished in the course.

* EFL is different from ESL (English as a second language). EFL involves teaching English in countries where English is a foreign language (such as Japan or Brazil). ESL involves teaching English in countries where English is the main language (such as the US or Australia.)

EDUC 405 3 Literacy 3: Development of Language and Composition PK-6

Addresses the design and enactment of engaging literacy instruction that advances the literacy learning of children in grades PK-6. Building on the work of EDUC 401 and 403, this course focuses, in particular, on building students’ speaking, listening, language, and composition skills and knowledge.

EDUC 406 3 Teaching in the Elementary School

Prerequisites: Must be elected concurrently with EDUC 307, 391, and 401.

Studies elementary schooling in relation to learners, teaching, curriculum, and the professional responsibilities and obligations of teachers. Contemporary issues affecting the elementary classroom teacher serve as the specific focus. Taken in conjunction with 307, facilitates the integration of theory and practice by providing students with the opportunity to work with learners and teachers in classrooms.

EDUC 407 3 Literacy 4: Teaching Language, Literacy, and Academic Content to Diverse Learners

Revisits core literacy teaching content in prior courses to deepen and hone literacy teaching practices. The focus is on teaching children and adolescents how to learn academic language and content while they are developing academic English language proficiency. Emphasis on teaching multilingual learners.

EDUC 408 3 Literacy Teaching and Learning: An Integrated Language Arts Perspective

Studies the history of approaches to children’s oral and written language learning, with particular focus on literacy (reading, writing, and other symbolic systems), and the psychological and social/cultural development of young children. Explores the history of systems of teaching literacy, with emphasis on formal schooling, and the social/cultural underpinnings of classroom instruction. Contemporary trends in literacy and language arts instruction affecting the elementary classroom are emphasized.

EDUC 411 4 Teaching PK-6 Mathematics

This course explores objectives, methods, and content in PK-6 mathematics instruction, emphasizing concept development in several areas of PK-6 mathematics; refers to pertinent contributions from research, provides opportunities for engaging in core teaching practices around discussion-based mathematics lessons.

EDUC 412 3 Mathematical Proof and Teaching

This course is designed for future middle and high school teachers of mathematics to develop an understanding of proof appropriate for equitable, just teaching, namely one that disrupts patterns of marginalization and the erroneous attribution of smartness. It focuses on collective proving and considers implications for teaching.

EDUC 413 3 Teaching Secondary School Mathematics

Prerequisites: Concurrent or previous election of EDUC 391 or equivalent.

Discusses pertinent aspects of recent pedagogical and research literature, as well as new instructional materials, methods, and curricular trends and regarding procedures useful for constructing and improving curricular units.

EDUC 414 3 Creating School and Classroom Culture

In this course, interns will learn how to design a classroom culture and community (their sphere of influence) where their relational, instructional, management and “discipline” practices don’t reproduce, but rather disrupt patterns of punishment and erasure of minoritized students, and support a culturally responsive, culturally competent approach to instruction, discipline and management. Attention will be paid to meeting the needs of the whole child through a strengths-based versus deficit model.

EDUC 415 1-3 Children as Sensemakers

Studies elementary students as individuals who construct understanding of the world around them as they interact with others as well as the physical objects around them. This lecture course teaches how teachers can mediate this process through learning opportunities, eliciting thinking, and providing support to encourage further understanding. Furthermore, students learn to interpret student understanding, define learning goals, facilitate student understanding through modeling, and assess student understanding.

Course may be repeated up to 6 credits

EDUC 415 4 Children As Sensemakers in PK-6 Mathematics and Science

This course engages interns in the study of PK-6 students as individuals who construct understanding of the world around them. This course focuses on how teachers can mediate this process through learning opportunities, eliciting thinking, and providing support to encourage further understanding. Furthermore, interns learn to interpret student understanding, define learning goals, facilitate student understanding through modeling, and assess student understanding.

EDUC 416 4 Teaching With Curriculum Materials in PK-6 Mathematics and Science

This course engages interns in the study of how PK-6 teachers use curriculum materials to support student learning goals. Interns will gain a familiarity with an array of curriculum materials and tools as well as how to modify and adapt these resources to meet the needs of their students. Additionally, interns will learn how to evaluate curriculum materials and identify their various strengths and weaknesses.