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Course Catalog

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 Results
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Code Number Hours Name of the Course
EDUC 200 3 Learning for Social Change

Students in this course will explore various ideas about what it means to learn and how those ideas have impacted educational practice. They will explore relationships among learning, education, and power, in addition to investigating the design of learning environments that promote empowerment and/or social change.

EDUC 208 3 Visual Texts: Picturebooks, Comics, Graphic Novels

This course focuses on children's and adolescent illustrated texts—including picturebooks, comics, and graphic novels—in elementary, middle, and high school learning contexts. Multiple theoretical and pedagogical aspects will be explored throughout the course, with a focus on the changing position of visual and multimodal literacies in this era of political, cultural, and social change.

EDUC 210 3 Mathematics and Social Justice

Introduces students to current issues in educational practice, policy, and theory. Provides opportunities to investigate issues of teaching and learning to broader social/cultural trends. Topics vary with each offering. No prerequisites.

EDUC 211 3 Introduction to Educational Policy, Inquiry and Advocacy

This course aims to support students in becoming critical consumers of educational policy issues in both media and educational research. We examine ideologies and levers used in past and current educational reform efforts that reflect multiple views on the purpose of schools, the role of educators, and the functions of policies and policy makers.

EDUC 212 3 The History of College Athletics

Why is our nation the only one in the world to take school sports so seriously, and what are the implications of this practice? This course attempts to answer these questions by starting with Thomas Jefferson’s Northwest Ordinance, moving to Britain’s “Oxbridge” model of “sound mind, sound body,” then demonstrating how numerous forces combined these elements into a distinctly American concoction. The story is continued to the present day with a look at the business of school sports and at educational contributions that sports provide to these institutions, including high schools and colleges.

EDUC 213 3 Equity and Empowerment for Coaching and Leading

This course will explore how institutions of Sport, Education and Business serve as key spaces to build and uphold transformative systems to center equity and empower individuals.  The course will highlight key moments where these institutions have promoted equity and fostered empowerment resulting in greater diversity, inclusion, justice and belonging.  Case studies of teams and leaders/coaches that disrupt inequity in sport, education and business will be critically analyzed and explored at personal, interpersonal, institutional and systemic levels.  

As we examine leaders who work for more just institutions we will identify systems that also create, maintain, and promote inequity in the United States.  Students will confront practices of inequity within Systems of Oppression along the lines of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability/disability, and body type.  Students will be challenged and guided to become more action-oriented in their current spheres of influence to be catalysts to disrupt inequity and advance justice in rapidly evolving and complex social structures.   Students will learn and practice leadership skills to promote equity and empowerment in their future professions and play a key role in leveraging their power to advance justice.

EDUC 218 3 Homelessness in Schools and Society: Engaged Practice in School Serving Organizations

In this course students extend what they have learned about U.S. schools and the institutions that serve public schools through extensive and varied practicums in these organizations and institutions. Students will acquire hands-on experience, in work nested inside an institution that serves and supports children, schools, and their communities.

EDUC 220 3 Coaching for Today's Society

Coaching for Today's Society is a course designed to aid students in reaching people where they currently are. You will not be a successful coach if you do not know and understand your audience. In order to be effective when reaching out to your audience you must be able to paint a picture or create a shared vision that resonates with your audience on all sensory levels. During this course we will identify and discuss the basic tenets associated with our targeted groups from same age/similar thought processes to multi-generational influencers (Boomers). Coaching in the broad sense deals with basic interpersonal skill sets to help you build a solid foundation however understanding how to coach in today's complex society goes beyond the foundation. We will identify and discuss the roles of family/life experiences, cultural nuances and how social norms play in helping or inhibiting us from connecting with people whether at the high school level, college level or in the workforce. At the end of the course you will feel confident working with diverse groups of people in any given setting.

EDUC 225 4 Education and the Social Development of Youth of Color

In EDUC 225, students will examine the social, cultural, and emotional experiences of Black and Latinx youth, the unique challenges they face within urban and segregated schools, and the relationships, cultural assets, and psychological mindsets that help them thrive despite marginalization. EDUC 225 is a hybrid course that includes both a seminar and a fieldwork component. The seminar will include course readings, analysis, and discussions on the above issues. In the fieldwork component, students, equipped with the knowledge and skills from the seminar, will serve as mentors for Black and Latinx adolescent boys at a local middle school to co-construct and implement character development curriculum (i.e. THREADS) that affirms the adolescent mentees and reinforces them with strategies to navigate the rigors of their learning environment and social community. Working together as allies, the student-mentors, and the mentee-boys will strategize culturally sustaining mentoring to work towards developing positive future goals, socio-emotional behaviors, and healthy racial-ethnic identities.

EDUC 240 3 Coaching as Leading and Leading as Coaching

For many, some of the best athletic coaches provide great examples of leadership. But why? What do they do differently from leaders in other fields, and what helps them to lead effectively? We will explore the concepts of coaching (athletically and in general) and leadership; their juxtaposition and inter-relationship. We will explore coaching and leadership across various industries and platforms including sports, business, and healthcare. Our expert guest speakers will share their own philosophies and experiences. Through a series of readings, guest speakers, lectures, and small group interactions, we hope students grow in their understanding of the keys to becoming an effective leader and coach. Many, if not all of you, will be charged with coaching and leading in various capacities during your personal and professional lives (e.g. parent, coach, mentor, manager, educator, consultant, etc). Through this course, you will assess and start to develop your own coaching and leadership philosophies through theories, policies, and practices. 

EDUC 250 3 Growing Up in School – Education and Development from a Global Perspective

This course will compare the development of children in schooling systems cross-culturally, looking at the period from preschool to college entrance selection. By comparing education in diverse societies we will identify both universal features of development and particular ways that different societies promote the development of healthy, competent adults.

EDUC 260 3 Tutoring Literacy and Language in the Elementary Grades

This course will develop literacy tutors’ skills in working with students in the elementary grades. In this course, participants will learn to develop engaging tutoring sessions and to enact a range of instructional routines for working with students in support of their literacy and language development.

EDUC 275 3 Wellness for Learning, Teaching, Coaching and Leadership

This course examines factors that contribute to (or detract from) our ability to reach peak performance in everything we do. Mental, emotional, psychological, and physical wellness are key to performance and productivity. Students will learn practices to promote wellness, in themselves and others, to support learning, teaching, coaching, and leadership.