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Marine Hydrodynamics Lab DellaVecchia 2

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Starting in the summer of 2025, twenty K-12th-grade educators from all subject areas will participate in professional development, including online
Guided by an advisory board, this project aims to develop a tool for evaluating how education apps support learning, based on research and best practices.
In partnership with the greater Marygrove Community in Detroit, we are developing a comprehensive research program focused on LEAPS.
A creative space for children, families, and communities to explore new technologies is in the planning stages.
We are exploring connections and leveraging existing projects focused on environmental justice, place-based learning, and community-engaged research.
Jamaal Matthews and USC colleague Mary Helen Immordino-Yang help youth explore storytelling
The MAC is a practice-to-research center where academic researchers and admissions professionals collaborate to design, think about, and disseminate research ideas to improve admissions policy and practice, across both national and international contexts.
GRIP is a research group founded in 2001 by Pat Herbst, and initially dedicated to the study of geometry, reasoning, and instructional practices. The GRIP lab has been the training grounds for several doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in mathematics education.