Training Biomedical Research Teams for Rigor and Reproducibility in Data Science
The CEDER evaluation team will partner with the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) on a new training program for biomedical researchers. MIDAS will develop a training program to shape the thinking, impart skills and tools for rigor and reproducibility in biomedical data science, and ensure the application of such skills and tools in a wide range of biomedical research through a learning phase (bootcamp with collaborative learning) and an implementation phase (mentoring).

In addition, the team will enable the trainees to teach their newly acquired skills at their institutions. The short-term goal is to shape the thinking of biomedical researchers from diverse backgrounds and equip them with skills and tools to improve the rigor and reproducibility of their research. The long-term goal is to have a long-lasting impact on rigor and reproducibility through the transfer of skills from the trainees to their trainees, improve research outcomes and its benefits to the society, and to strengthen a diverse biomedical data science workforce. Victoria Bigelow of CEDER will lead the evaluation of these programs.