Supporting Consequential Learning in Middle School STEM through Rightful Familial Presence
This project focuses on designing for and studying new modes of empowering familial engagement in STEM as a mechanism to address the continued racial/class gap in STEM achievement for minoritized students. This project brings together teachers from two large urban public school districts, community leaders, parents and researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

The team will use design-based intervention research to design, test and refine the Rightful Familial Presence in STEM intervention to nurture and activate new forms of rightful familial presence. The work will engage teachers and parents in new activity systems to generate STEM-specific curricular and instructional practices to promote consequential STEM learning for minoritized students. Conceptualized as a stance and a suite of instructional practices, Rightful Familial Presence in STEM is anchored in justice-oriented theoretical frameworks that explicitly target historical oppressions.