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Preparing Mentors to Support Novices in Eliciting Student Thinking in Mathematics Discussions: Developing and Testing a Simulation-Based PD Program


Jul 15, 2022


Jun 30, 2026
Funding Agency
NSF through a subaward from the University of Virginia

This design and development studies project will develop and test a professional development series to support mentor teachers in enhancing both their teaching and mentoring skills, with an emphasis on elementary mathematics. To support mentor teachers in developing their teaching and mentoring skills, the project team will use mixed reality simulations as a low-stakes practice space that allows mentors to get individualized support from a distance, alongside a set of asynchronous professional development sessions and synchronous collaborative sessions. 


Specific aims of the project include

  1. Developing mentor teacher professional learning materials and measures
  2. Testing impacts of mentor teachers’ professional learning on mentors’ and candidates’ skills
  3. Building knowledge about implementation processes and differential uptake of mentor teacher professional learning.

Primary Investigator(s)

Associate Director, TeachingWorks; Intermittent Lecturer in Teacher Education
Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

More Awards

Award Start Date
Sep 15, 2018
Award End Date
Aug 31, 2024
Award Start Date
Aug 01, 2018
Award End Date
Jul 31, 2024