Natural Transfer Scholars: Natural Science Foundations for Innovation in the Data-Driven Economy
Dr. Victoria Bigelow, Evaluation Coordinator for the Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research, will lead the external evaluation of the S-STEM Natural Science Scholars program at Michigan State University. Dr. Kolby Gadd will oversee the day-to-day evaluation activities for the team.

The program evaluation design will include formative and summative process and outcomes evaluations. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies will be utilized to (a) determine the impact of the program (“the treatment”) on transfer and native student participants as compared to transfer students and native students who did not participate but are as similar as possible to the treatment group; (b) assess progress toward identified benchmarks, such as graduation in a STEM field; (c) document project activities and participation, implementation strategies, and contextual factors; (d) track post-baccalaureate matriculation into graduate programs; and (e) identify best practices.