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GeT Support: An Online Professional Learning Community to Support the Geometry Course for Teachers


Sep 01, 2017


Aug 31, 2024
Funding Agency
National Science Foundation

This project develops and implements a system of professional support for the improvement of the Geometry for Teachers course that mathematics departments teach to preservice secondary teachers. The proposed project convenes a network of college instructors and high school geometry teachers to create an inter-institutional system of professional support anchored in an online platform and a set of common resources: The project will develop a professional learning community that will use, draw information from, and further develop an existing assessment instrument, and that will use the resources of an online platform to interact, and create and share materials for the course. The project team will study the assessment results, and examine the interactions among instructors and materials with the goals of documenting the difficulties that instructors experience and proposing ways in which those difficulties can be handled.

Primary Investigator(s)

Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor of Mathematics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Associate Research Scientist, Marsal Family School of Education

More Awards

Award Start Date
Sep 15, 2018
Award End Date
Aug 31, 2024
Award Start Date
Aug 01, 2018
Award End Date
Jul 31, 2024