SOE Stories
The University took a dramatic step toward formalizing teacher education in 1879 by appointing William H. Payne as the Chair of the Science and Art of Teaching, the nation’s first permanent professorial chair devoted exclusively to education.
“Why should an institution that exists for the sake of investigating the arts and sciences leave its own particular art neglected and despised?"
At the first meeting of the Schoolmaster’s Club on May 1, 1886, the great American educator John Dewey presented what is arguably the first true paper on education, “Psychology in High Schools from the Standpoint of the College.”
Allen S. Whitney presided over a period of dramatic expansion culminating in the creation of the School of Education in 1921, and served as the school's first dean.
James B. Edmonson's tenure as dean began in 1929, just as the nation plunged into the depths of the Great Depression, and encompassed the entirety of World War II.
Educator, institution builder, ‘grand matriarch’ of cultural research—Kapila Vatsyayan (AM ’49) was known for her intimate knowledge of Indian classical dance and her innate ability to knit literature and the arts in the aesthetic understanding of it.
Willard C. Olson served as dean for 40 years, overseeing significant changes to the administrative structure of the school, burgeoning enrollment due to the baby boom, and a massive increase in external research funding.
Jeanette Lim Esbrook (BS ’62, TeachCert ’62) recalls a course that was before its time and how that course led her to think differently about teaching mathematics.
Gordon L. Bremenkampf shares how Virginia B. Passon, a former registrar for the School of Education, empowered him to pursue a degree in education and embark on a 45-year career teaching mathematics.
Throughout a career that wound from the classroom to the courtroom, Ed Welch (AB '63, TeachCert '63, AM '64, JD '69) carried lessons from SOE with him every step of the way.
“Not only are my experiences strongly tied to my relationship with the University of Michigan, but my career clearly represents my education and exposure to experiences at this institution."
A man of numerous personal and professional contributions, Dr. Loving will probably best be remembered in his own words, "I mean, all these firsts.”


SOE Stories
The University took a dramatic step toward formalizing teacher education in 1879 by appointing William H. Payne as the Chair of the Science and Art of Teaching, the nation’s first permanent professorial chair devoted exclusively to education.
“Why should an institution that exists for the sake of investigating the arts and sciences leave its own particular art neglected and despised?"
At the first meeting of the Schoolmaster’s Club on May 1, 1886, the great American educator John Dewey presented what is arguably the first true paper on education, “Psychology in High Schools from the Standpoint of the College.”
Allen S. Whitney presided over a period of dramatic expansion culminating in the creation of the School of Education in 1921, and served as the school's first dean.
James B. Edmonson's tenure as dean began in 1929, just as the nation plunged into the depths of the Great Depression, and encompassed the entirety of World War II.
Educator, institution builder, ‘grand matriarch’ of cultural research—Kapila Vatsyayan (AM ’49) was known for her intimate knowledge of Indian classical dance and her innate ability to knit literature and the arts in the aesthetic understanding of it.
Willard C. Olson served as dean for 40 years, overseeing significant changes to the administrative structure of the school, burgeoning enrollment due to the baby boom, and a massive increase in external research funding.
Jeanette Lim Esbrook (BS ’62, TeachCert ’62) recalls a course that was before its time and how that course led her to think differently about teaching mathematics.
Gordon L. Bremenkampf shares how Virginia B. Passon, a former registrar for the School of Education, empowered him to pursue a degree in education and embark on a 45-year career teaching mathematics.
Throughout a career that wound from the classroom to the courtroom, Ed Welch (AB '63, TeachCert '63, AM '64, JD '69) carried lessons from SOE with him every step of the way.
“Not only are my experiences strongly tied to my relationship with the University of Michigan, but my career clearly represents my education and exposure to experiences at this institution."
A man of numerous personal and professional contributions, Dr. Loving will probably best be remembered in his own words, "I mean, all these firsts.”