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Room 2327 - Brownlee Room


610 E University Avenue
Room 2327
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Building Hours

Monday - Friday

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Key Pick-Up

Key pick-up is located in the Facilities Office, room 1002, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 

After-Hours Key Return

For after-hour key return, please use key slot in the door of room 1002.

A 40-person-capacity meeting room.

Because the Marsal Family School of Education is not open on Saturdays and Sundays, this room cannot be reserved on weekends.

SOE-IT can provide assistance for the technology in the meeting rooms. For questions or assistance, email [email protected].

Room Telephone: (734) 936-1500


  • The Brownlee Room is for short meetings and can only be reserved for one day for any single event.
  • Materials are not to be taped or otherwise placed on the walls.
  • Please remember to close and lock all windows and turn off the lights.

Room Features

Seats 40
Tables 10
Touch screen display controls Y
Laptop projection with sound (HDMI and VGA) Y
Videoconference ready * Y
Audio/Phone conference ready* Y
Video Recording ready * Y
Electrical Outlets 40
Ethernet ports  2

* For questions or assistance for your meeting or event, contact [email protected]