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Showing 513 - 520 of 563 Results
July 05, 2019
In an article, Dr. Michelle Bellino explained the need for refugees across Kenya to have more access to higher education.
June 19, 2019
In an article for the Twin Cities Young Nonprofit Professionals Network blog, CHSPE’s Jarell Skinner-Roy shared his thoughts on white supremacy in the nonprofit sector.
June 18, 2019
Matthew Ronfeldt and his team discovered that teaching interns were better served when they were paired with instructionally effective teachers
June 12, 2019
A New York Times article explains how Germany counts on teenagers to educate peers on appropriate online behavior.
May 24, 2019
Typical college applications do not account for an applicant’s context and background. For these reasons, a new evaluation tool has been developed with assistance from Michael Bastedo.
May 24, 2019
A new preschool-through-college campus in Detroit will welcome the first class of 9th grade students this fall.