Theme 6A: INVITE: Inclusive and Innovative Intelligent Technologies for Education
The U.S. K-12 educational system is designed around sets of rigorously described standards for learning that emphasize what learners should know and what they should be able to do. Unfortunately, substantial gaps persist in access, relevance, and outcomes with disproportionate impacts on underserved and underrepresented learners in STEM.

Evidence suggests that a missing piece is key noncognitive skills which refer to “a set of attitudes, behaviors, and strategies that are thought to underpin success in school and at work.” INVITE seeks to reposition AI as a powerful tool to promote fairness in technology-enhanced K-12 STEM learning by producing intelligent learning technologies that understand and support skills known to underlie effective learning. INVITE Institute research will take an evidence-based and learning-sciences driven approach while investigating how AI can amplify transformative change in how computer-based STEM learning fits within a landscape that is neither equitable nor inclusive.
Dr. Rivas-Drake will contribute to the INVITE institute by providing support on issues related to equity-oriented social and emotional learning (SEL), both on the design of INVITE technologies and research studies; providing expert input on data collection and analysis; and providing support on identifying outlets for publication and aspects of INVITE research that would represent advances in SEL assessment or support.