TeachingWorks Mathematics Methods Course Fellowship - Year Three
The S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation has awarded TeachingWorks a grant to continue a special fellowship program begun in 2017 with faculty in California State University to further develop exemplary practices-based approaches in teacher education.

Led by TeachingWorks deputy director Francesca Forzani, mathematics research & design specialist Amber Willis, and director Deborah Ball, the fellowship will support 26 mathematics and English language arts (ELA) methods course instructors from across the CSU system as they continue their work together to develop and implement course materials and instructional approaches that intertwine specific high-leverage practices with high-leverage content. TeachingWorks staff members will observe and provide feedback on their instruction, and assist them in connecting various teacher education pedagogies to supporting teacher candidates’ learning of practice.
Fellows in the program will also sustain their focus on using the high-leverage practices to attend explicitly to mathematics and ELA instruction that disrupts patterns of inequitable instruction in classrooms, and inspires children to develop positive academic identities. The project aims to produce knowledge and instructional materials that will be useful to and accessible to teacher educators across the CSU system and beyond.