A self-administered PrEP Decisional Aid for dissemination with HIV self-test kits (DASH)
People using HIV self-testing (HIVST) need access to quality HIV-prevention programming, including education and exploration of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - an effective biomedical prevention tool that continues to expand in choices and access points in the US. HIVST and PrEP are both central to addressing the HIV epidemic, but they are not systematically linked together. To address the critical need for PrEP programming to accompany HIVST, the study will work with experts and HIVST users to develop and pilot a novel, interactive, mobile friendly PrEP decisional-aid. It will help to raise awareness around PrEP and guide people through a PrEP decision-making process that matches their needs and values, and links people to resources for local or online PrEP.

Dr. Diemer will advise the analyses across the aims of the project, with his greatest contribution centered on the longitudinal modeling. He will lead the characterization of the impact of the DASH intervention on PrEP uptake and secondary outcomes (e.g., knowledge, stigma, decisional conflict, barriers, and facilitators) over time (e.g., mixed effects modeling, longitudinal growth modeling).