Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Early Educators and Young Children: Understanding the Issues and Identifying Evidence-based Recovery Responses
With support from Heising-Simons Foundation, PI Dr. Christina Weiland will lead two research briefs: 1) the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the early childhood workforce; and 2) the effects of the crisis on young children's learning experiences and outcomes.

Attention to issues of socioeconomic and racial/ethnic equity will be prominent in both briefs. Weiland will partner with Dr. Erica Greenberg of the Urban Institute, Dr. Daphna Bassok at the University of Virginia, Dr. Anna Markowitz at UCLA, and U-M doctoral student Paola Guerrero-Rosada, as well as a broader team of leading early education scholars and policy-embedded reviewers.
Each brief will synthesize relevant evidence, focusing on high-quality research. Each also will suggest policy levers/responses for mitigating the effects of the pandemic on the ECE workforce and on children and families. The team believes these products will be highly useful for the intended audience of state- and local-level policymakers and practitioners. There is a large amount of research underway or already out—so much evidence that policymakers and practitioners are struggling to keep up. By synthesizing the best of this evidence and offering evidence-based responses, the briefs will help aid localities in recovery efforts.