Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence for the Study of STEM Interventions
As a collaborative stakeholder in the LSAMP Regional Center of Excellence, the Diversity Research & Policy Program (DRPP) agrees that the development of LSAMP Center online resources will have increasing national educational and research significance. This work plan created by the University of Michigan-based DRPP team over the three years of the proposed LSAMP Center represents a natural extension of DRPP’s work on the Understanding Intervention (UI) Index online resources.

This subaward with the University of Missouri will create an online set of resources to complement the Center’s outreach, dissemination, and professional/career development activities. These resources will be designed so they will be accessible to potential users, easy to navigate, up-to-date, and informative in terms of their content. In addition, the subaward will support the development of supplemental user resources such as an on-line instruction manual and resource documentation.
The UM-DRPP team will provide support to the LSAMP Regional Center of Excellence by: a) compiling research and evaluation related publications focusing on understanding interventions that focus on the academic and career trajectories of underserved and underrepresented populations in STEM; b) compiling instruments and measures that have been used by STEM and educational researchers in studies of underserved and underrepresented populations in STEM; c) consulting with the LSAMP Center for Excellence’s leadership team and other subawardees as necessary; d) providing content to the LSAMP Center for Excellence’s IT/web design subawardee; and e) consulting with UI’s evaluator to design user experience surveys and other online resource-related assessments.