Improving the Education and Labor Market Outcomes of Students in Subbaccalaureate Postsecondary Institutions: What can we learn from Ohio's system of public career and technical centers?
3-year study funded by the U.S. Department of Education and led by Peter Bahr aims to identify institutional policies, strategies, and practices that can improve outcomes for students in community college career and technical programs.

Access to postsecondary training and short-term credentials has never been more important in the U.S. than it is now. Increasing the number of individuals holding high quality postsecondary certificates in occupational fields is a key avenue for reestablishing and maintaining economic vitality. To that end, a number of states have built systems of public career and technical centers (CTCs) that offer education leading to postsecondary certificates and that operate alongside the more well known community colleges (CCs). Research indicates that CTCs have student completion and employment rates that are notably higher than CCs, but we know little about the factors that contribute to the favorable educational and labor market outcomes of CTC students. This three-year study, funded by a $1,400,000 federal grant from the Institute for Education Sciences, aims to pinpoint the institutional policies, strategies, and practices that contribute to the success of CTC students and can be adapted to improve outcomes nationwide for students in community college career and technical programs, especially those in short-term credential programs. Peter Bahr (University of Michigan) leads the project as Principal Investigator. Phyllis Cummins (Miami University) serves as co-Principal Investigator, and Matthew Regele (Xavier University) serves as co-Investigator.