Immigration and Higher Education Access

The National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good, in cooperation with its network of partners around the country, seeks to inter-relate and redefine the issues of immigration and educational access within comprehensive immigration reform, thus influencing how these issues will be treated in the broader national policy discussion. The National Forum was awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000 from Carnegie Corporation of New York for the purpose of organizing a national summit in the spring of 2010 aimed at informing policy change around the issues of immigration and educational participation. This project builds upon the work the National Forum has been leading since 2007, convening institutional leaders, researchers, and policymakers and providing them with a platform to inform state and national legislation and helping to align institutional policies in favor of assuring educational access for all eligible and qualified students. The Carnegie support is crucial since it appears that the political focus may again turn to immigration reform and the right to an education is viewed as essential to making full citizenship meaningful.