Dyadic analyses of relational processes among Mozambican couples
Under the leadership of Matthew Diemer, this Mental Health Research Institute (MRI) project will illuminate the dyadic structure of key relational processes among Mozambican couples participating in a HIV intervention.

This large-scale HIV intervention designed to improve HIV treatment adherence is a NIH-supported RCT (randomized clinical trial) targeting male partner engagement and support in HIV-infected Mozambican couples where the female partner is pregnant. This RCT provides a very unique opportunity to probe and clarify malleable psychological factors and relational processes that may account for (i.e., partially or fully mediate) the impacts of that HIV intervention.
With MRI support, this project is a distinct “offshoot” from the larger NIH-supported intervention that will more deeply explore and clarify these relational processes. The MRI project leverages an innovative analytic approach, large samples of couples grossly underrepresented (i.e., from Sub-Saharan Africa) in the relationship literature, and addresses a critical global health issue (i.e., HIV transmission). This will advance our understanding of (a) best practices in modeling relational processes (b) how these relational processes operate in non-Western contexts and (c) “levers” or mechanisms that may foster participation and/or adherence to HIV interventions in high-need settings. In this way, the proposed project advances MRI’s mission of improving human relationships while also informing efforts to mitigate and eliminate HIV transmission.