Development of a Measure of Equity-Based Social Emotional Learning Practices
Dr. Rivas-Drake’s overarching research question for this project is: How can one assess the extent to which practitioners advance racial equity through their social-emotional learning practices?

Over the past few years, social emotional learning (SEL) research and implementation in K-12 settings has increased exponentially. But many questions remain about how issues of racial equity intersect with the study and practice of SEL.
Based on the researcher’s theory, William T. Grant-funded research, experience with education professionals, and ongoing research-practice partnership, the project team has begun developing an assessment of racial equity-oriented SEL (REQSEL) instructor practices. The team is employing an iterative, mixed-methods approach and following best practices for measure development, including consulting literature and theory; review by content experts; checking clarity and relevance with the target population; exploratory factor analyses to identify underlying constructs; cognitive interviews; confirmatory factor analyses; and tests of criterion and construct validity with related measures.
In the final, critical phase of the development of the measure, the project team will assess test-retest reliability with SEL practitioners in districts that serve racially marginalized youth. Researchers, evaluators, program developers, and school/district leaders will benefit from the REQSEL—a reliable, ecologically valid, and psychometrically sound measure—to assess racial equity-oriented SEL efforts within schools/districts.