Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) evaluation 2021
CEDER Senior Evaluation Specialist Sarah Beu, MSW—under the supervision of Evaluation Coordinator Victoria Bigelow, Ph.D.—will lead an evaluation of three Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) programming initiatives.

Detroit College Access Network is a collaborative network between local schools, organizations, and the community. The mission of the network is to promote higher education in Detroit and make a college degree or credential a reality for students in Detroit. CEDER is conducting the evaluations for DCAN in order to help DCAN better understand the impact of the program, the strengths of the program, and opportunities for additional programming and program improvement.
The evaluation activities will examine DCAN programming across three initiatives:
- the collective impact work with external partners, such as the advising core,
- professional development with school advisors and learning communities, and
- the College Fit Project, an online College Match Tool.