Collaborative Research: Virtual Conference Proposal: Chemistry Education Research Through the Lens of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Science has a long and intertwined relation to colonization. This relation has centered on straight, able- bodied, white, cis-gendered, male individuals, and their experiences in the advancement of science. Consequently, the scientific community does not reflect the worldwide population. Historically marginalized people are those who self-identify with groups who have been oppressed, including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, People of Color, trans-gender, and queer individuals, and people with disabilities. Scientists must act to reduce the impact of colonization and promote a more equitable scientific community that includes individuals from marginalized groups.

As chemistry education researchers, the project team must focus their efforts on centralizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their research. With this idea in mind, the project team proposes a meeting that will include talks by invited DEI research experts from various disciplines, working sessions to dig into research methods and identify future directions of DEI-focused Chemistry Education Research (CER), and share-out sessions. Participants will reflect on their own experiences and the climate in the field of chemistry education. Attendees will reflect on the ethics of studying students from marginalized groups, learn about research methods that move beyond deficit-model frameworks, and identify changes to improve the climate in the field and to ensure that scholars from marginalized groups are supported.