Black + Brown Queer Futures Rising
Most professional learning in our schools for educators around race, gender, and sexuality is crafted and facilitated by adults. Through this project, we seek to center the most vulnerable population in our schools, Black and Brown LGBTQ+ youth—especially Black and Brown trans and queer girls—by putting the power and payment back in their hands as they envision, plan, and facilitate professional learning experiences for educators in their learning contexts.

We will invite African American and Latinx LGBTQ+ youth to design and facilitate professional learning opportunities for preservice, educators, and school-based staff. We ask: What are Black and Brown queer and trans youth experiences in schools? What do they want their teachers to know about them? How do they want educators to shape their learning environments? What do they want to learn in their classes? What futures do they dream of? We will collaborate with educators, youth organizers, and folks who are in gender and sexuality studies spaces to help facilitate a space for these young people to create professional learning for educators and school staff in ways that reflect, affirm, and center Black and Brown LGBTQ+ youth experiences, voices, brilliance, and criticality in ways that allow them to survive school.