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MI Future Educator Programs

The State of Michigan generously offers the MI Future Educator Fellowship and Stipend to support aspiring teachers to become educators in Michigan.

MI Future Educator Fellowship

A $10,000 scholarship program to create low-cost tuition pathways for 2,500 future Michigan educators every year.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the student must:

  • Complete the annual MI Future Educator Fellowship application.
  • File a current-year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Be a high school graduate.
  • Be admitted into an eligible Educator Preparation Program (EPP) approved by Michigan’s State Board of Education.
  • Be working on their initial teacher certification.
  • Be enrolled in enough coursework to be considered enrolled full-time during the academic year, or its equivalency for individuals enrolled in an alternative certification program.
  • Have reached Junior grade level according to the institution’s definition.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Be a Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year.
    • If you are a dependent student, your parent on your FAFSA must also be a Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year.
  • Complete a Commitment to Teach in Michigan Agreement, which requires that the recipient teach in Michigan in a public school or qualifying public preschool program for a specific number of years, depending on the number of years the recipient has received the MI Future Educator Fellowship. This will be issued to applicants when the institution confirms eligibility.
Renewal Requirements

Fellowship is renewable for up to three years. For a renewal award, the student must:

  • Complete the annual MI Future Educator Fellowship application.
  • File a current-year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Be maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Maintain Michigan residency.
  • Complete a Commitment to Teach in Michigan Agreement, which requires that the recipient teach in Michigan in a public school or qualifying public preschool program for a specific number of years, depending on the number of years the recipient has received the MI Future Educator Fellowship.
  • For a 2023-24 renewal award, a student must have earned at least 24 credit hours in the 2022-23 Academic Year or the equivalent of full-time participation for individuals enrolled in an alternative certification program.
    • ‘Alternative Certification Program’ is defined by the Michigan Department of Education as an approved Michigan alternative route program or an approved post-baccalaureate teacher preparation program for which full-time enrollment is less than 24 credits in an academic year.
  • For a 2024-25 renewal award, a student must have maintained continuous full-time enrollment.
  • Must have participated in relevant academic and career advising programs offered by the eligible education preparation program.
Commitment to Teach in Michigan

When a student receives the MI Future Educator Fellowship, they agree to teach in Michigan for a specific number of years.

Number of Academic Years Fellowship ReceivedRecipient Agrees to Teach in Michigan For
OneThree Years
TwoFour Years

If a student does not meet this service obligation requirement and/or does not finish the teacher certification program, the fellowship converts to a 0% interest rate loan with a repayment term of 10 years, plus any deferment period as determined and approved by the Michigan Department of Treasury.

Program Limits

Awards are restricted to tuition and required fees and pay up to a maximum of $10,000 per academic year at participating institutions. It is the responsibility of the financial aid office to coordinate all sources of aid for which a student may be eligible. Other gift aid may reduce or cancel this award.

Dates & Deadlines
Academic YearApplication OpensApplication Closes
2023-24May 1, 2023July 15, 2024
2024-25May 1, 2024July 15, 2025
2025-26May 1, 2025July 15, 2026

MI Future Educator Stipend

The MI Future Educator Stipend is a $9,600 stipend to support Michigan’s hardworking student teachers as they continue their journey to being in the classroom full-time.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the student must:

  • Be admitted in an eligible Educator Preparation Program (EPP) approved by Michigan's State Board of Education.
  • Be working towards teacher certification.
  • Be participating full-time in a required student teaching experience, meeting one of the following parameters:
    • Full-time enrollment in required student teaching coursework.
    • 300 or more student contact hours while student teaching.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • Not be employed by the district as a "Teacher of Record".
    • “Teacher of Record” is defined in the 2023-24 MDE Pupil Accounting Manual as “the certificated teacher who provides instruction, gives tests and quizzes, evaluates the pupil’s performance and gives the pupil a grade.” Michigan Department of Education considers a ‘certificated teacher’ to be a person who has a valid certificate or permit. If the student teacher is working under a substitute teacher permit AND is providing instruction, giving tests and quizzes, evaluating the pupils’ performance and issuing grades, the student teacher would not qualify for a MI Future Educator Stipend.
  • Not received the MI Future Educator Student Teacher Stipend before, unless your program specifically requires more than one semester of student teaching.
Dates & Deadlines

Students apply for the winter semester when they will be student teaching full-time (typically, their final winter semester).

SemesterApplication OpensApplication Closes
Winter 2024November 1, 2023July 15, 2024
Winter 2025November 1, 2024July 15, 2025
Winter 2026November 1, 2025July 15, 2026

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[email protected]
(734) 615-1528


610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259


8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

The information on this page comes from the State of Michigan. Please visit the state's Programs for Future Educators for the most current information.